
  • 网络loss prevention
  1. 加工工业损失预防杂志。

    Journal of loss prevention in the process industries .

  2. 为了有效和高效,对损失预防的策划应当是系统的。

    To be effective and efficient , planning for loss prevention should be systematic .

  3. 通过压力测试法、情景分析法、风险回避、损失预防、风险转移、风险自留、保险等风险管理方法来提供专业知识支持。

    By the methods of stress testing , scenario analysis , risk avoidance , loss prevention , risk transfer , risk retention and insurance , the banks can provide expertise to support .

  4. 对损失预防计划有效性和效率的评价结果应当是管理评审的输出,并应当作为修改计划和改进过程的输入。

    Results of the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of loss prevention plans should be an output from management review , and should be used as an input for the modification of plans and as input to the improvement processes .

  5. 比较噪声暴露后各组豚鼠听觉脑干反应(ABR)的阈移,评价维生素C对噪声性听力损失的预防作用。

    Determine the preventive effects of vitamin C on NIHL by comparing the threshold shifts of auditory brainstem responses ( ABR ) between groups .

  6. 通货膨胀损失的预防措施泄水管要求有防冻保护措施。

    Inflation proof Drain piping may require to be protected against freezing .

  7. 化学试剂的库存损失和预防

    The Stockpile Loss and Prevention for Chemical Reagents

  8. 运用会计学的核算方法对灾害的损失和预防救助成本进行计量。

    We use the accounting method to calculate the disaster loss and the cost of disaster relief .

  9. 三相异步电动机轻载运行的电能损失及预防

    The electric energy loss and its prevention when three phase asynchronous electric motor is running with light load

  10. 目前,无论是理论界还是实践界都一致认为,适当的资本充足比率对避免银行可能遭受的损失和预防银行经营风险都有非常积极的作用。

    Nowadays , both academic and practice unanimously supports the claim that appropriate capital adequacy ratio has positive influence on guiding away the risks of potential losses .

  11. 所策划的损失的预防应当用于实现和支持过程、活动和产品,以确保相关方满意。

    Loss prevention in the form of planning should be applied to realization and support processes , activities and products to ensure the satisfaction of interested parties .

  12. 包括因工伤亡所造成的个人直接经济损失和预防、治疗、护理、康复以及疗养的费用。

    The individual that because be versed in casualties place is caused , includes is direct pecuniary loss and precaution , cure , nurse , the charge of rehabilitation and recuperate .

  13. 风险管理是目前商业银行经营管理中的重要目标之一,也是银行自身实现利润和避免损失的预防手段之一。

    Risk management is one of most important objective in the commercial bank management , also is one of the objective of bank with its own profits and losses of the preventive measures .

  14. 介绍了南山矿冲击矿压和煤与瓦斯突出的危害,分析了灾害产生的因素,提出了减少或避免地质动力灾害发生造成损失的预防措施和方法。

    This paper introduces the hazards of mine pressure and coal methane eruption happened in Nanshan Coal Mine , analyzes the caus of the events , issues the measures to prevent mine geological disaster from losses .

  15. 而它们具有取代当地物种的潜能,使生态系统受到威胁,同时可使损失费用和预防性措施的费用高达数十亿美元。

    This has potential to displace local marine species , threaten ecosystems and cause billions of dollars in damage and preventive control .

  16. 为了尽可能地减少煤自燃所带来的危害和损失,有效预防煤炭自燃成为了煤矿安全生产的重中之重。

    In order to reduce the damages and losses caused by spontaneous combustion of coal , the effective prevention become the top of priority .

  17. 为了减少预防性维修造成的停产损失,一些预防性维修活动将根据机会维修阈值归并在一起进行。

    In order to reduce production loss due to PM , several PM activities will be performed together if they have reached the threshold for opportunity maintenance .

  18. 灾害发生后的救灾,损失远比事前预防要大得多。

    The loss of disaster relief after disaster happened is much larger than preventions before happening .

  19. 质量成本管理是研究组织内如何确定和消除质量损失成本以及如何预防和鉴定质量损失的一门管理科学。

    Quality cost management is a branch of management science on how to identify and eliminate the quality cost and how to prevent and appraise the quality failure in organizations .

  20. 依据绿色投入产出原理,根据吉林省实际情况构建环境生态成本,包括自然资源耗竭损失、自然资产退化损失、预防支出和非经济自然资产向经济自然资产转移,对传统GDP进行调整。

    Traditional GDP is adjusted by deduction of environment and ecology cost on the bases of green input and output theories , including the cost of resources lost , natural capital degradation , defending and the transferred value from economic capital to uneconomic capital .