
sǔn shī
  • loss;lose;reverse;wastage
损失 [sǔn shī]
  • (1) [lose]∶损毁丧失

  • 投资者损失惨重

  • (2) [loss]∶丧失的人或物

  • 这就是特大洪灾给四川人民带来的损失。--《我们打了一个大胜仗》

损失[sǔn shī]
  1. 他们再也不能损失员工了。

    They could ill afford to lose any more staff .

  2. 主任可能会损失最大。

    The director has the most to lose .

  3. 该建筑物的损失估定为4万英镑。

    Damage to the building was assessed at £ 40 000 .

  4. 去年因罢工损失了数以千计的工作日。

    Thousands of working days were lost through strikes last year .

  5. 经济衰退使住房市场遭受着重大损失。

    The recession is taking its toll on the housing markets .

  6. 我们的保险包括一切意外或其他损失。

    We insure against all damage , accidental or otherwise .

  7. 我们已经做出了艰苦努力,以挽回损失的贸易额。

    We have struggled mightily to win back lost trade .

  8. 她这一走对学校来说将是一个巨大的损失。

    She will be a great loss to the school .

  9. 你能向你投保的公司要求赔偿这一损失吗?

    Can you claim for the loss on your insurance ?

  10. 她这一走对学校来说是一个巨大的损失。

    Her departure is a big loss to the school .

  11. 地震造成大约600万元的财产损失。

    The earthquake caused damage to property estimated at $ 6 million .

  12. 公司遭受了7500万元的巨额损失。

    The company made a whopping 75 million dollar loss .

  13. 我得到了1000元的收入损失赔偿。

    I received $ 1 000 in recompense for loss of earnings .

  14. 今天的股票价格下挫造成数十亿英镑的损失。

    Billions of pounds were wiped off share prices today .

  15. 一个彻底失败的经营项目使他损失严重。

    A disastrous business venture lost him thousands of dollars .

  16. 那一次失误让他损失了数千英镑。

    That one mistake left him thousands of pounds out of pocket .

  17. 他们察看了暴风雨造成的损失。

    They surveyed the damage inflicted by the storm .

  18. 你必须对造成的任何损失负赔偿责任。

    You will be liable for any damage caused .

  19. 采矿有时会造成重大的生命损失。

    Mining can be costly in terms of lives .

  20. 公司两年内损失累计达2亿元。

    The company racked up $ 200 million in losses in two years .

  21. 公司遭受了数百万元的巨大损失。

    The company sustained losses of millions of dollars .

  22. 损失估算为500万英镑。

    The losses were computed at £ 5 million .

  23. 这损失对有关各方来说都是极大的不幸。

    The loss was a tragedy for all concerned .

  24. 让我们看看损失情况吧。

    Let 's take a look at the damage .

  25. 该公司对自然灾害造成的任何损失概不承担责任。

    The company cannot accept liability for any damage caused by natural disasters .

  26. 有一些家庭的财产在洪水中损失得精光。

    Some families lost everything in the flood .

  27. 我坚持要赔偿损失。

    I insist on paying for the damage .

  28. 估计损失在100万到500万元之间。

    Estimates of the damage range between $ 1 million and $ 5 million .

  29. 如我公司给您造成损失或有所损坏,您都将得到赔偿。

    You will be reimbursed for any loss or damage caused by our company .

  30. 她的死是一种无法挽回的损失。

    Her death is an irreparable loss .