
  • 网络cross guarantee;cross collaterization;Cross-Collateralization;Cross Collateralisation
  1. 这些制度主要包括资本维持承诺、力量源泉、银行关闭政策、交叉担保和资本恢复等。

    These specific system mainly are the source of strength doctrine , close bank policy , cross guarantee provisions , and capital restoration plan .

  2. 主要包括资本维持承诺、力量之源原则、银行关闭措施、交叉担保条款和及时改正措施。

    They are Capital Maintenance Commitments , the Source of Strength Doctrine , New Close Bank Policy , Cross Guarantee Provisions , Prompt Corrective Action .

  3. 它不仅严重危害上市公司的资产安全和正常经营,而且,交叉盘回的担保链、担保圈更是将这种风险成倍放大,从而加剧了证券市场的系统性风险并威胁到整个金融系统的安全。

    It not only does great harm to the capital safety and normal operation of listed companies - but also multiplies the risk through interlacing relations of guaranties - thus pricking up the systematic risk of the securities market and threatening the safety of the whole financial system .