
jiāo yì fēnɡ xiǎn
  • transaction exposure
  1. 企业面临的外汇风险分为交易风险、会计风险和经济风险。

    The exchange rate risk includes transaction exposure , economic exposure and translated exposure .

  2. 汇率风险主要有折算风险、交易风险和经济风险。

    Exchange-rate risk primarily consists of conversion risk , transaction exposure and business risk .

  3. 该CRM系统对提升客户满意度、降低交易风险和提高企业的利润都有很重要的意义。

    This system makes significance for prompting customer satisfication , reducing trade venture and increasing the enterprise profit .

  4. 第四章引入在险价值模型,基于其基本假设与核心思想分析其在国际碳期货交易风险管理中的适用性,并结合GARCH理论,探讨量化分析国际碳期货交易风险的可行方法。

    Chapter four introduce the VaR model study its fundamental assumption , and analyze its applicability in carbon futures ' risk management . Then this paper uses GARCH theory discuss the mathematical method to analyze carbon exchange risk .

  5. 说明了产生网络分销交易风险的因素及风险控制方法,介绍了DRP应用技术的新发展及DRP系统普及的发展趋势。

    Descried the risk factors of the distribution through the Internet and the controlling method to these factors . Introduced the new development of the DRP system 's application technology and the trend of the DRP system 's popularization .

  6. 我国期货交易风险与对策

    Risks in China 's Futures Transaction and Countermeasures to Be Taken

  7. 对经济危机下投资与交易风险管理模式的几点思考

    On risk management modes for investment and trading under economic crisis

  8. 关于期货交易风险率的研究及其应用

    Study on Risk Rate and It 's Application in Futures Trading

  9. 网络证券交易风险承担问题研究

    Research on Issues of the Risk Allocation of On-Line Securities Exchange

  10. 中国金融衍生品交易风险管理的法律规制研究

    China finance derivatives trade risk management 's law regulation research

  11. 一汽&大众汽车有限公司汇率交易风险管理研究

    The Research on Exchange Rate Risk Management of FAW-Volkswagen Automobile Co. Ltd

  12. 论金融衍生工具跨国交易风险的国际法监管

    On Supervision of Risks in Transnational Transaction of Derivatives in International Laws

  13. 外汇风险有交易风险、折算风险和经济风险三种类型。

    Foreign exchange risks include transaction risk , conversion risk and economic risk .

  14. 第三部分是我国信用卡交易风险及国外风险管理借鉴。

    The third part is the risk of credit card business and control .

  15. 防范关联交易风险保护银行债权安全

    Preventing Risks of Connected Transactions and Maintaining Security of Banking Creditors ' Rights

  16. 网上证券交易风险及控制方法研究

    Study on online securities trading risk and control method

  17. 论铜期货交易风险防范与技巧

    Crisis control and techniques of copper futures trading

  18. 有健全的衍生产品交易风险管理制度和内部控制制度;

    They shall have sound derivatives trading risk management systems and internal control systems ;

  19. 企业如何加强合同管理规避和防范交易风险

    The Ways of Preventing Risks Through Contract Management

  20. 论信用证交易风险

    On the risk of letter of credit

  21. 另一方面混业经营可能产生系统风险、关联交易风险等问题。

    System and related-party transaction risk may arise in mixed group on the other hand .

  22. 模糊错误逻辑的增加转化词及其在规避金融衍生交易风险中的应用

    Addition Transformation-word in Fuzzy Error-logic and Its Application in Avoiding Risk of Transaction of Financial Derived Products

  23. 规避金融衍生交易风险的方法&模糊错误逻辑的增加转化词

    A Method of Avoiding Risks of Transaction of Financial Derived Products & Addition Transformation-Word in Fuzzy Error-logic

  24. 介绍了国债二级市场交易风险。

    In this paper , the dealing risks about the secondary market of government bonds are introduced .

  25. 通过一系列指标规范来限制供应商的准入门槛,降低交易风险和采购成本。

    Specification through a series of targets to restrict suppliers , to reduce risk and purchase cost .

  26. 参与成本下的风险分担功能则主要体现在金融中介大规模地交易风险并从事风险管理。

    The functions of risk sharing under participation costs mainly embody through huge risk trading and risk management .

  27. 但由于婚姻关系的隐秘性和私密性使得夫妻日常代理中存在交易风险。

    But because of confidentiality and illicit close sex marriage makes couples existing in daily agency business risk .

  28. 如果你为交易风险提供补贴,风险自然会大量产生&并且更糟糕的是,它会变得危险。

    If you subsidise the risk in trading , naturally it will be copious and , worse , dangerous .

  29. 其后的三章站在出口保理商的角度对保理业务的交易风险进行了重点研究。

    Subsequent chapters stand point of export factoring business factoring business transactions on the risks of the key research .

  30. 第三,平衡当事人的利益关系,合理分配交易风险。

    Thirdly , the judge must balance the interests of the parties , reasonably allocate the risk of transaction .