
mù biāo
  • target;goal;objective;aim;purpose;orientation;idea;mark
目标 [mù biāo]
  • (1) [target]

  • (2) 受攻击的对象

  • 他是这次运动的目标之一

  • (3) 观察、射击的对象

  • 射击目标

  • (4) [goal]∶指通过斗争和忍受艰难困苦才能取得的东西

  • 奋斗目标

  • (5) [objective]∶要获得的一个战略地位,要达到的一个目的或规定的陆战或海战所要攻到的地点

  • 军事目标

目标[mù biāo]
  1. 这座孤零零的房子是盗贼的首选目标。

    The house is isolated and a prime target for burglars .

  2. 门窗被窃贼作为入室的目标容易得手。

    Doors and windows are an easy target for burglars .

  3. 他继续追求他成为演员的目标。

    He continued to pursue his goal of becoming an actor .

  4. 为了达到这个目标他们雇用了50名新职员。

    With this end in view they employed 50 new staff .

  5. 恐怖分子宣称游客将成为他们袭击的目标。

    The terrorists made it known that tourists would be targeted .

  6. 他们未能达到年度目标。

    They were unsuccessful in meeting their objectives for the year .

  7. 仅有不到半数的出拳击中目标。

    Of the blows delivered , barely half found their mark .

  8. 她人生的唯一目标就是当游记作家。

    Her sole object in life is to become a travel writer .

  9. 作为领导,他的主要目标就是要使党内各派团结起来。

    As leader , his main aim is to reunite the party .

  10. 我们想找一个有明确目标的人。

    We are looking for somebody with a clear sense of direction .

  11. 大学的目标是帮助学生实现他们的抱负。

    The college 's aim is to help students achieve their aspirations .

  12. 你必须给自己确定切实可行的目的和目标。

    You must set realistic aims and objectives for yourself .

  13. 公司的目标可分成三大类。

    The company 's aims can be grouped under three main headings .

  14. 他们那个小组被选中成为裁员的目标。

    Their group was targeted to carry the burden of job losses .

  15. 虽然这并非完美无瑕,但我们正朝着目标前进。

    It 's not perfect but we 're getting there .

  16. 妻子去世后,他便没有了生活目标。

    After his wife died , he had nothing to live for .

  17. 我们的主要目标是增加在欧洲的销售量。

    Our main aim is to increase sales in Europe .

  18. 重订目标决不会为时过晚。

    It is never too late to reformulate your goals .

  19. 炸弹落了下来,砰!正好击中目标。

    The bombs went down ─ wham ! ─ right on target .

  20. 这是向建立统一欧洲的目标迈出的第一步。

    This was a first step towards a united Europe .

  21. 这一政党显然没有达到自己的目标。

    The party has manifestly failed to achieve its goal .

  22. 这些持枪歹徒凶神恶煞般地打楼里走过,寻找袭击的目标。

    The gunmen stalked the building , looking for victims .

  23. 他们的首要目标是维持低成本。

    Their overriding aim was to keep costs low .

  24. 预算应该正好达到1360亿元的目标。

    The budget should hit the $ 136 billion target on the nose .

  25. 这所大学将于下个九月达到在校学生5000人的目标。

    The university will reach its target of 5 000 students next September .

  26. 这种新软件以银行为目标市场。

    The new software is being pitched at banks .

  27. 他们未能达到通货膨胀低于3%的目标。

    They could not achieve their target of less than 3 % inflation .

  28. 她在讲话中提出了公司的各项目标。

    She set out the company 's aims and objectives in her speech .

  29. 你得为自己订一些长期目标。

    You need to set yourself some long-term goals .

  30. 在他们宣布的目标里没有这一条。

    This is not one of their stated aims .