
  • 网络bidding evaluation experts
  1. 严格资格审查,规范招投标市场,建立高素质的评标专家队伍,积极推行工程招标代理制,建立规范有序的竞争环境,彻底与政府部门脱钩;加强自身建设,提高从业人员的综合素质。

    There are other essential moves , such as enhancing qualification examination , norming the bidding market and setting up a high quality team of bidding evaluation experts , introducing construction bidding agency system , establishing an order competition environment .

  2. 其中,评标是招标过程中的一个重要环节,评标专家如果在评标中违轨,可能直接改变招标的结果,并且违轨方式具有隐蔽性。

    Bidding evaluation is an important phase of procurement and the unlawful actions which are always covert of bidding evaluation experts will change the result of procurement .

  3. 然后,对每个模块进行了详细的需求分析、并结合相关的UML图进行详细的解释,实现了对评标专家管理系统的功能需求设计。

    Then , we conduct detailed need analysis in each module as well as explain it with UML diagram , realizing the functional design of Evaluation Experts Management System .

  4. DC-IOWA集结算子较好地克服了评标专家信息在集结过程中的丢失问题,提高了土地出让评标的效率和公正性。

    DC-IOWA aggregation operator overcomes the problem of information lost in the process of aggregating experts ' judgment information , so as to improve the efficiency and impartiality for land biding evaluation .

  5. 评标专家/评标委员会的权力义务关系分析

    Analysis of Rights and Responsibilities of Judges / Judge Panel

  6. 建筑工程评标专家及专家库管理问题探讨

    Construction evaluation experts and experts to explore library management issues

  7. 论评标专家和评标委员会的权利和义务

    Discussion on the rights and duties of mark experts and bid evaluation committee

  8. 基于B/S模式的评标专家库系统平台建设规划

    Design of bidding expert database system platform based on b / s model

  9. 评标专家语音通知系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Expert Voice Notification System

  10. 系统中通过对各类专家信息管理,招标项目中抽签生成评审评标专家组,并根据投标单位的历史履约考核信息,共同决定投标企业中最优的一家。

    Systems through various types of expert information management , tender evaluation group of experts in the lottery to generate assessment and , based on historical performance of the tender evaluation unit information .

  11. 为解决目前评标专家通知过程中容易泄密的问题,利用电话语音卡和VC++的多线程技术,设计并实现了多路评标专家语音通知系统。

    To avoid divulgence in the course of notify , a multi-line expert voice notification system is designed . The system is based on telephone phonic card and multithread technique of VC + + .

  12. 传统的手工抽取评标专家存在随机算法不合理、抽取机会不均、抽取与通知各自独立、人工干预多、保密性差、间隔时间过长等弊端。

    The traditional manual extraction algorithm with random is unreasonable inequality of opportunity extraction , extraction and informed independent , human intervention and more , poor security , long lead times and other defects .

  13. 装备科研项目评标专家系统,使用科技项目招标投标决策/模糊综合评判模型对各竞标单位进行专家推理,得出中标单位。

    For tender assessment expert system of equipment scientific research projects , the expert reasoning for every bidding unit was made with decision models of inviting public bidding and fuzzy comprehensive assessment models to gain successful bidder unit .

  14. 介绍了评标专家的确定和专家库的建立过程,阐述了如何利用计算机对评标专家实现动态管理,指出运用计算机技术对评标专家的管理,有效地促进了建筑市场的规范运行。

    Experts and the building process of experts bank are introduced . The problem that how to utilize computer to realize dynamic management . Author points out that the application of computer technology in expert bank management can normalize the building market .

  15. 通过监管对最低价中标法的影响分析,对招标准备工作及资格审查,评标专家监管,评标细则改进,以及标后监管等方面提出完善建议。

    Through analyzing the effect of supervision on the " Lowest Price Bidding Method ", suggestions are put forward in terms of tender preparation and qualification examination , supervision of bidding assessment specialists , improvements of evaluation rules and supervision after tender , etc.5 .

  16. 其中利益相关者包括业主、勘察设计单位、评标专家组、交通厅、竞争对手、发改委、勘察设计监理、咨询单位、项目沿线社区和环保部门等十类。

    The stakeholders include ten kinds : the owner , the reconnaissance and design institute , evaluation expert panel , communications department , competitors , development and reform commission , the reconnaissance and design supervisors , consulting organization , the project adjacent community and environmental protection department .

  17. 基于综合评标法的评标专家系统设计

    Design of Bids Evaluating Expert System based on the Comprehensive Evaluation Method

  18. 第四章分析了评标子系统、专家管理子系统和标书管理子系统的功能需求,并对三个子系统进行了设计。

    The forth part analyzed bid evaluation subsystem , expert management subsystem and bid management subsystem , and designed the three subsystems .

  19. 做好医疗设备招标采购工作的关键是:认真编写招标文件、确定好评标原则与标准、选择合适的评标专家、抓紧招标结果的落实。

    The key , how to do well in the medical equipment tender purchase work , is earnestly to compile the tender document , to determinate the principle and the standard , to choice appropriate experts and to grasp the result .

  20. 评标过程中由于确定因素和模糊因素并存,应用现行评标方法,评标专家难以在较短时间里对模糊因素做出较准确的评判。

    Due to many certain factors and fuzzy factors in the process of bidding-evaluation , it is difficult for the experts to conduct accurate evaluation in a short time if using present method .