
  1. 托玛琳(英文名Tourmaline)宝石俗称“碧玺”是世界上具有独特功能的一种稀有宝石级矿石。

    Tourmaline stones are commonly known as a unique function of a rare gem-grade ore.

  2. 碧玺是世界上最多彩的自然宝石。

    Tourmaline is the most multi-colored natural gemstone in the world .

  3. 辐照处理对碧玺物理性质的影响

    The Effects of Irradiation on Some Physical Properties of Tourmaline

  4. 电气石族宝石矿物(碧玺)的成分与其成因产状的关系

    Relation between Chemical Compositions and Genesis-Occurrences of Tourmaline Group

  5. 无核晶洞型宝石伟晶岩中的绿色碧玺、酒黄色黄玉;

    Green tourmaline , wine-yellow topaz in the gem pegmatite of coreless geode type ;

  6. 碧玺是在南加州的圣路伊斯流域。

    Tourmaline is found in Southern California in the San Luis Rey River Valley .

  7. 全一矿石:西瓜碧玺碧玺持有光之语中的全一音调。

    Mineral : Watermelon Tourmaline Tourmaline holds the tone of oneness in the language of light .

  8. 喜马拉雅深青色碧玺开采于喜马拉雅山脉的高海拔地区。

    Himalayan " Teal " Tourmaline has been hand mined at high elevations in the Himalayan Mountain range .

  9. 虽然马拉维是一个东非小国但却因出产最明亮的黄色碧玺而闻名。

    Malawi is a small East African country that is gaining reputation for the brightest of Yellow Tourmalines .

  10. 除了具有非常美丽的色调之外,这些碧玺还显示出一种非常少见的高等级的纯净度。

    Aside from a fabulous hue , these Tourmalines exhibit a rarely seen " high " level of clarity .

  11. 这是碧玺的一个很独特的特点,已发现单个碧玺晶体中含有多达16种颜色!

    This is very unique to Tourmaline and single crystals have been found to contain up to16 different colors !

  12. 蓝色碧玺是碧玺的一种蓝色变种,也是整个碧玺家族中价格最高的颜色之一。

    Indicolite is the blue variety of Tourmaline and is one of the most prized colors of the entire Tourmaline Family .

  13. 令人印象深刻的成分是加强与大尺寸的彩色宝石-紫水晶,碧玺,茶晶,橄榄石和黄玉。

    The impressive composition is enhanced with generously sized coloured stones – amethyst , tourmaline , citrine , peridot and topaz .

  14. 辐照处理是碧玺颜色改善很重要的一种方法。

    Tourmaline is a kind of gem material with complex structure , composition and isomorphous substitution , which resuslt in diverse types and colors of this gem .

  15. 彩色碧玺(彩色电气石)是新疆阿尔泰花岗伟晶岩中富有特色的一种名贵宝石,主要有碧绿、黑绿、黄绿、红色和玫瑰色碧玺。

    Tourmalines are distinguishing precious gems in grano pegmatites in , Altay , Xinjiang , which are mainly dark green , black green , yellow green , red and rose in color .

  16. 三江地区宝玉石资源主要有海蓝宝石、碧玺、黄玉、水晶、紫牙乌、芙蓉石、汉白玉等。

    The Sanjiang area is rich in resources of gem jade stones , such as aquamarine , tourmaline , topaz , rock cristal , almandine , rose quartz , white marble , etc.

  17. 本店提供翡翠,欧泊,碧玺,海蓝宝等珍贵刻面、素面等原料供您挑选,并按照您喜欢的款式来定制成您心意的首饰。

    We are offering valued faceted stone and plain work including Jadeite , Opal , Tourmaline , Aquamarine , etc so that you can choose any of them to book your favorite style .

  18. 碧玺将协助提升者疗愈内在的男性与女性(注:或说内在阴阳)使更大的统一状态出现,在那里生命舞蹈中的一切均获得支持。

    Tourmaline will assist initiates in healing the masculine and feminine within to allow for the emergence of a state of greater unity , in which all is supported in the dance of life .

  19. 2015年5月,为了庆祝她女儿的诞生,剑桥公爵夫人收到了一对由碧玺、紫水晶和钻石做成的价值3500英镑的耳环,她代表皇室出访印度的时候还佩戴着。

    The Duchess of Cambridge was given a pair of £ 3500 tourmaline , amethyst and diamond earrings , which she wore on her royal tour of India , to mark the birth of her daughter in May 2015 .

  20. 碧玺是宝石世界中最重要的中档宝石,具有独特的加工性质,如解理不发育、韧性强、颜色丰富多彩、多色性强、具有星光和猫眼特殊光学效应等。

    Tourmaline is one of the most important semiprecious stones in the world , with particular cutting features such as undeveloped cleavage and high tenacity , rich in color , strong pleochroism , special optical effect of asterism and cat ' eye .

  21. 滇西北三江并流带宝玉石资源主要有海兰宝石、碧玺、黄玉、水晶、东陵石、菱锌矿、蛇纹石质玉(岫玉)和紫红色碧玉岩等。

    Three - quarrel - river belt of NW Yunnan is rich in the resources of gem - jade stones , such as aquamarine , tourmaline , topaz , rock crystal , aventurine quartzite , smithsonite , serpentine jade and purplish red jasper rock , etc.