
  • 网络Ascension;ASCENSION ISLAND
  1. 它们游到阿森松岛搭窝:雌龟爬上岸,在沙滩上挖坑产卵。

    They go to Ascension Island to nest - females crawling ashore1 to lay their eggs in the sand .

  2. 在南太平洋的阿森松岛,人们故意引进猫来吃掉意外引入的鼠类。

    On Ascension Island , in the South Atlantic , cats were deliberately introduced to eat the accidentally introduced rats .

  3. 它必须是作为太阳系到高振动移动作为宇宙阿森松岛的一部分。

    It must come as the Solar System moves into the higher vibrations as part of the Ascension of the Universe .

  4. 问题是,人们把月球看成了类似阿森松岛的东西,一个人类的各个殖民地间的中转站。这些殖民地在未来的某一天有可能相互往来贸易。

    It 's the problem of seeing the moon as a kind of Ascension Island , midway between human colonies that might some day trade with one another .