
  • 网络Active Listening
  1. 掌握积极倾听的技能得花功夫练习,但熟能生巧。

    Active listening is something that takes time to master , but practice makes perfect .

  2. 积极倾听组,夫妻双方中一人负责倾听另一方谈话然后重新演绎出对方所言主要内容;

    active listening , where one spouse listens and then paraphrases back what they heard ;

  3. 积极倾听他们所说的话。

    Be open to what they 're saying and listen .

  4. 但光是积极倾听是远远不够的。

    But listening actively is far from enough .

  5. 积极倾听不同于简单的听见,而且有目的的倾听才能去理解。

    Active listening is the difference between simply hearing , and listening with the intent to truly understand .

  6. 积极倾听的另一个方面是要求澄清,如果你不理解对方的家庭成员。

    Another aspect of active listening is seeking clarification if you do not understand the other family member .

  7. 遭到反对时,与其心生不悦,不如去积极倾听,寻求共识。

    Rather than getting upset when others disagree with you , listen actively and find the areas of agreement .

  8. 然后,我们应该找到问题产生的背景以便采取正确的措施来解决问题;最后我们应该积极倾听来向顾客表明我们很在意他们。

    Second , we should identify the background to their problem so that we can take the right steps to fix it .

  9. 培训员工的时候,你要鼓励他们,积极倾听,要有耐心。

    You need to be encouraging and positive when you 're training your staff , and you may also need to be patient .

  10. 这些人际互联的技巧是:积极倾听、沟通、团队关系、解决问题和咨询、参与管理和接口管理。

    The People Linking Skills are : Active Listening , Communication , Team Relationships , Problem-solving & Counseling , Participative Management and Interface Management .

  11. 对方对你们的利益感到兴趣吗?或是对你们影响力的来源感到兴趣吗?对方有积极倾听吗?(必要时请注意范例)

    Did the Other appear interested in your interests ? In your possible sources of power ? Did the Other appear to listen effectively ?( Note examples if you like . )

  12. 初一、初二学生家长的亲子沟通中存在四个主要问题&情绪管理、积极倾听、我的表达和鼓励。

    There are 4 major problems of parents ' communication with their children that of middle school students ' in grade 1 and 2 , they are feeling 's management , active listening , " I-message ", encouragement .

  13. 提出了大学生思想政治教育中的有效沟通方法,具体阐述了谈心沟通法、现身说法沟通法、角色互换沟通法、感染沟通法、心理咨询沟通法、积极倾听沟通法。

    It explained the specific communication procedure which is the heart-to-heart talk communication method , the talking-oneself-as-an-example communication method , the roles reversal communication method , the infection communication method , the counseling communication method and the active listening communication method .

  14. 然后向说话者表明积极的倾听信号。

    Then direct your active listening signals to the speaker .

  15. 未经过培训有什么快速直接的方法积极的倾听吗?

    What 's the quick and dirty way to do active listening without training ?

  16. 积极的倾听具有不可思议的力量,人质谈判人员用它来建立融洽的关系。

    Active listening has incredible power , and hostage negotiators use it to build rapport .

  17. 当你说话的时候他会看着你的双眼,展示积极的倾听信号。

    He should look you straight in the eye when you are talking , showing his active listening signals .

  18. 父母应用:积极的倾听能够帮助建立强的交流,并且要包括眼神的交流,点头以及其他的非语言暗示,表示理解和感兴趣。

    Parent Application : Active listening helps to build strong communication and involves eye contact , nods , and other non-verbal cues that suggest understanding and interest .

  19. 积极地倾听有时可以用来对此进行检验&某人通过重复自己听到的,可以证实自己准确理解了这次交际。

    Active listening can sometimes be used to check this out-by repeating what one thinks he or she heard , one can confirm that one understands the communication accurately .

  20. 他们当然能令人信服地阐释他们的立场,但是那只是等式的一半,还要加上积极的倾听,那对劝说而言也很重要。

    They certainly are able to articulate their position in a convincing way , but that is only half the equation . They are actively listening when in persuasion mode .

  21. 当你积极地倾听别人的话时,这表明你关心他们,他们说的话对你来说很重要。

    When you are actively listening to what others have to say , this shows them that you care about them and that what they say is important to you .

  22. 积极的倾听能力:善于倾听别人的人能够用心聆听别人的观点,不会在不当的时机打断别人的话,只会在适当时机提出问题并帮助解释所传递的信息。

    Active Listening Skills : Good listeners make an effort to understand what others are saying , interrupting only when appropriate to ask questions that will help clarify the information being shared .

  23. 当他们分享这些事情时,积极地去倾听—这意味着真的去听,通过眼神交流、微笑、问开放性问题以及提出积极的意见来参与其中。

    While they are sharing the event , actively listen - that means really listen and be engaged by making eye contact , smiling , asking open-ended questions , and making positive comments .