
  • 网络genome project;human genome project;HGP
  1. 人类基因组计划(HumangenomeProject)的实施揭开了各种生物基因组解析的序幕[1~3]。

    The implementation of the Human Genome Project preludes the analyzing of biologic genomes .

  2. 人类基因组计划的实施,有力地促进了DNA序列分析技术的发展。

    The Human Genome Project has promoted the development of nucleic acid sequence analysis technology .

  3. 作为人基因组计划的有机组成部分,一个国际性的脑计划(Brainproject)也在全面地展开。

    An international brain project which is one of the most important parts of human genome project has widely developed .

  4. 人类基因组计划(HumangenomeProject,HGP)给我们展示了人类遗传学研究的广阔前景。

    Human Genome Project ( HGP ) displays us the vast foreground in human genetics .

  5. 它是人类基因组计划的主要执行者,该计划完成了绘制人类DNA结构的工作。

    The institute was the main contributor to the Human Genome Project , which mapped the complete structure of human DNA .

  6. 人类基因组计划中的DNA序列图谱是生命科学和基因工程中的伟大成就。

    The sequence-specific primer of human DNA sequences in human genome project is a great achievement in life science and genetic engineering .

  7. 随着人类基因组计划测序工作的完成,生命科学的研究重点已经从确定DNA序列组成转移到了研究基因功能。

    With the accomplishment of the Human Genome Project , research focus of life sciences have shifted from DNA sequencing to gene function .

  8. 自人类基因组计划以来,脱氧核糖核酸DNA序列的研究一直生物科学领域中的前沿性课题。

    Since the human genome project , The research of DNA sequences has been a frontier subject in the field of biological science .

  9. 随着人类基因组计划的发展,DNA微阵列技术作为一项革命性的技术应运而生。

    Along with the development of the Human Genome Program , the DNA microarray technology arises as a revolutionary technology at the time .

  10. 从目前我国的有关情况看,建立DNA技术标准化和质量控制体系,已成为我国法庭科学亟待解决的问题。然而,DNA鉴定的不断完善,还有赖于人类基因组计划。

    It is more urgent that the DNA standard technique and the quality control system could be set up in our domestic court science .

  11. 例如,如果没有英国、德国、法国、日本和中国的帮助,美国人类基因组计划(HumanGenomeProject)会耗费更长时间。

    The US Human Genome Project , for instance , would have taken far longer without help from the UK , Germany , France , Japan and China .

  12. 人类基因组计划的研究表明,人类基因中99.9%的遗传密码DNA都是一样的,只有大约0.1%的基因不同,具有个体差异。

    Human gene group plan shows that 99.9 % genetic codes of whole DNA are common other than nearly 0.1 % of DNA different , exhibiting specificity .

  13. 随着DNA分子标记不断增加和各国对畜禽基因组计划的逐步开展,一些重要的畜禽(如牛、猪、绵羊、鸡等)的遗传连锁图谱的研究工作取得了巨大的成就。

    With DNA marker increasing and gradual development of animal genome plan in many countries , the research of genetic linkage map has been made enormous achievements on animals .

  14. 随着人类基因组计划的接近完成,蛋白质组(proteome)研究成为新的热点。

    Proteome research has become a new hot spot in the post genome era .

  15. 人类基因组计划预计近两三年内即可完成,我们将会得到许多序列已知但未知功能的cDNA。

    The Human Gene Project will be completed in two or three years , biologist will obtain many cDNA sequences which functions are unknown .

  16. 电子克隆是随着基因组计划和EST计划的实施而发展起来的,是利用生物信息学手段进行基因克隆的新方法。

    In silico cloning was a new technique of gene-cloning which developed with genome project and EST project via bioinfomatics method .

  17. 而伯纳兹博士的研究工作的决定性意义是,短发卡RNA正像人类基因组计划承诺的那样,找到了问题的突破点。

    What is crucial about Dr Bernards 's work , though , is that short hairpin RNAs do exactly what the genome project promised : they crack the problem open .

  18. 研究人类基因组计划(HGP)是人类生命科学史上的一个伟大的计划。

    Human Genome Project ( HGP ) is a great research project in life science history .

  19. 环境基因组计划(EGP)对预防医学发展的影响

    The Effect of EGP on Preventive Medicine

  20. 随着人类基因组计划对人类遗传密码的揭示和分子流行病学对肿瘤复杂基因机制的阐明,有关DNA的研究将在疾病的预防、早期诊断与治疗中起到关键作用。

    With the reveal of human genetic code by human genome scheme and the illumination about complex gene mechanism of tumour by molecule epidemiology , the research of DNA will play a important role in disease defend , early diagnosis , and therapy .

  21. 人类基因组计划(HGP)的全面完成无疑是科学发展史上里程碑式的事件,它必将导致新的医学与生物学革命,同时也必然带来一系列新的社会与法律问题。

    The comprehensive finish of Human Genome Project ( HGP ) is indubitably a milestone of development of scientific history .

  22. 人类基因组计划(HGP)对人类生活的冲击不可谓不大,但还是有限的。

    Human Genome Project ( HGP ) has great influence on the human life , but it 's influence is limited .

  23. 背景:在人类基因组计划(HumangenomeProject,HGP)中有两大部分内容,一是完成对人类基因组DNA约3×109个碱基序列的测定,同时完成对基因的染色体定位工作;

    Background and Purpose Human genome project ( HGP ) includes two main parts : one is the sequencing of approximately 3 billion base pairs of human genome , and genotyping all genes to the chromosome , another is the functional genomics research .

  24. 得益于人类基因组计划(HGP)和其他模式生物基因组计划的顺利实施,生命科学研究领域正面临一个快速发展的契机。

    Life science is now facing an accelerated developmental moment profited from Human Genome Project and the analogous projects for model organisms .

  25. 基因组计划(humangenomeprojectHGP)的完成及多个物种基因组的完全测序,为系统地研究基因功能及相关遗传病提供了极大的帮助。

    Human genome project ( HGP ) that has been fulfilled wholly gene sequencing of many species give our great help to study systematically the gene function and hereditary disease . Now we have accumulated much structure and function information of individual gene .

  26. 由于采用了一套日本水稻基因组计划(RGP)的RFLP标记,使本图谱能与RGP图谱进行比较。

    A set of RFLP landmarks generated by the Japanese Rice Genome Program ( RGP ) was applied to allow comparison between our map and the RGP map .

  27. 生物芯片技术是随着人类基因组计划(HGP)的实施而产生的一种用于生命科学研究的新技术、新方法。

    Biochip technology , which was developed along with the human genome project ( HCG ), is a new technique and method applied in life science research .

  28. Christensen说:“这真的很不错。”她是首批从人类基因组计划中受益的数百位美国人中的一位,该计划确定了人类DNA的所有基因,而这种益处具有个人实用性。

    " That 's good ," said Christensen , who is one of the first few hundred Americans to see a personal , practical benefit from the Human Genome Project , which identified all of the genes in human DNA .

  29. 随着人类基因组计划(HGP)的基本完成与现代生物技术的飞速发展,大量生物信息的获取已经为揭开生命的奥秘提供了坚实的数据基础。

    As the human genome project completed and modem biological technology rapid development , Lots of biological information acquisition has to uncover the mystery of life and provides solid data base .

  30. 2002年人类基因组计划提出者DeLice教授提出为期100年的虚拟人计划建议。

    In 2002 professor DeLice , presenter of Human Genome Project , sponsored global-wide virtual human project .