
  • 网络Basic unit;base unit;fundamental unit
  1. CostModifier:计算业务服务使用成本的基本单位。

    Cost Modifier : The base unit for calculating the cost of business service usage .

  2. 本文介绍了低温辐射计原理、技术发展现状以及与照明工程中常用量值发光强度(SI基本单位坎德拉)、照度、亮度、光源色等主要量的关系。

    This paper presents the principle of Cryogenic radiometer , current status of development in cryogenic radiometer technique , its relation with the most commonly used quantities in illuminating engineering , such as luminous intensity ( candela , SI base unit ), illuminance , luminance and color of source .

  3. 单词是语言结构的基本单位。

    Single words are the building blocks of language .

  4. “家庭”是基本单位,每一个家庭都控制着自己受人认可的领地。

    The ' families ' are the basic units , each holding sway over a recognised territory .

  5. 细胞是人体的基本单位。

    Cells are the elements of the human body .

  6. 家庭是构成社会的基本单位。

    The family is the basic unit of society .

  7. 人格特质论(traittheory)是以特质概念为基础建立起来的一种人格理论,该理论把人格看作是由许多不同特质所构成,将特质视为人格的基本单位。

    The trait theory is one kind of personality theory which takes the special characteristic concept as the foundation .

  8. 是构成遗传的基本单位;编码蛋白所有信息的DNA序列。

    The basic unit of heredity ; the sequence of DNA that encodes all the information to make a protein .

  9. MATLAB是现今流行的一种高性能数值计算和图形显示的科学和工程计算软件,基本单位为矩阵,其表达式与数学、工程计算中常用的形式类似。

    MATLAB is one kind of extensively used science and engineering calculation software of high-performance number value calculation and graphical display .

  10. ATM实现高速通讯的一个重要方法是定义长度固定的信元作为数据传输的基本单位。

    One important method of ATM to realize high speed data transfer is using cell whose size is fixed .

  11. 文章阐述了国际单位制(SI)中,七个基本单位之一的质量单位的现状及各国的研究动态。

    The current situation and researching trend of mass unit , which is one of the seven SI units , are described in this paper .

  12. 本文使用H.钱纳里的标准,以国家为基本单位,对各国经济发展阶段进行了宏观比较。

    If we use Chenery 's standards , we will , taking a country as a basic unit , make a macro-comparison .

  13. 借助于全国第五次人口普查以及第二次基本单位普查的顺利完成,建立普查统计GIS平台软件,实现多种统计信息的有效融合显得及时而迫切。

    China has successfully completed its fifth census and the second general investigation of basic units . It is urgent to design a statistical GIS software and integrate all kinds of information efficiently .

  14. Socket缓冲区是Linux操作系统中的网络传输基本单位,在目前的Linux网络性能研究中,Socket缓冲区的回收利用尚未引起足够的重视。

    Socket buffer is the basic transfer unit in Linux operating system , but its recycling has not been paid enough attention the study on Linux network performance at present .

  15. 结论:正常肺小叶结构可在HRCT图像上显示和辨认,肺小叶是肺脏放射学基本单位。

    Conclusion : HRCT can detect secondary pulmonary lobules in normal subjects , which may be a basic anatomical unit in pulmonary imaging .

  16. 在系统原子处理方面,根据芯片对ROM空间擦除的特殊性要求,设计了以block为基本单位的备份恢复机制。

    In the aspect of system atom handling , according to the special requirements of the chip ROM space erase , a backup and recovery mechanism is designed based on the unit of block .

  17. 间隙连接通道是相邻细胞之间唯一可以直接进行信息交流的细胞通讯途径。间隙连接蛋白基因(connexins)作为组成间隙连接通道的基本单位,在哺乳动物早期胚胎发育过程中广泛存在。

    As the only distinct communication pathway between adjacent cells , connexins exist widely during mammalian preimplantation embryo development .

  18. 核心线程是微内核操作系统Mach调度的基本单位,它较好地支持了细粒度的并行计算,但核心线程在支持用户并发模型、双并发模型上还有许多缺点。

    Kernel thread is the basic scheduling unit in the microkernel operating system Mach . It supports fine grained parallel computing , but microkernel thread has many shortcomings in supporting user concurrence models and double concurrence models .

  19. 该机制在已有OBS资源预留机制的基础上,将边缘节点突发组装算法与核心节点资源预留机制相结合,通过引入突发流的概念,改变了资源预留的基本单位;

    Based on current reservation mechanisms in OBS , by combining the burst assembly algorithm in edge nodes with the resource reservation scheme in core nodes and by introducing the concept of " burst flow ", DRR changes the essential units of resource reservation .

  20. 根据哲学、认知心理学及认知语言学(CollinsQuillian,1969;Lakoff,GM.Johnson,1980),人类思维的基本单位是概念,概念把物质世界和心理世界中的客体、事件和内在关系联系和组织起来。

    According to philosophy , cognitive psychology and cognitive linguistics ( Collins Quillian , 1969 ; Lakoff , G M. Johnson , 1980 ), the basic unit of human thinking is concept , which connects the physical world with the objects , events and interior relation of mental world .

  21. 语篇&英汉翻译的基本单位

    Discourse - - the Basic Unit in English - Chinese Translation

  22. 电荷的基本单位是电子的单位。

    Our basic unit of electrical charge is that of electron .

  23. 你们国家钱币的基本单位是什么?

    What is the basic unit of money in your country ?

  24. 一特定语言的语音基本单位。

    A primitive unit of auditory speech in a given language .

  25. 在实际翻译中,语篇是翻译的对象和基本单位。

    Discourse is the object and basic unit in practical translation .

  26. 等级系统中的基本单位是群丛。

    The fundamental unit of the hierarchy is the association .

  27. 建立基本单位名录库构想

    Some Ideas about Establishing Name list Database of Basic Units

  28. 论以语言符号为语言研究的基本单位

    On taking the linguistic sign as the basic unit of linguistic analysis

  29. 折度是计量声调曲拱的基本单位。

    Bend degree is a basic unit to measure tonal arch degree .

  30. 点象是画面构图的起始,是图画构象的最基本单位;

    Point is the fundamental unit of the drawing structure ;