
dòng quān
  • moving coil;movable coil
动圈[dòng quān]
  1. 移圈式双反面针织机测电量用动圈式仪表

    Stitch transfer purl machine moving coil instrument for measuring electrical quantities

  2. 立式单动直边冲压机直流动圈式方形电表

    Vertical straight side single action presses DC moving coil square instrumert

  3. 这是一个动圈麦和电容麦差不多都同被使用到的区域

    This is an area where dynamics and condensers are used about equally .

  4. 动圈式电液转换器易卡涩滞后是DEH系统产生故障的主要原因。

    Moving coal type electrohydraulic converter being liable to be retarded , is the main cause for the occurrence of fault of DEH system .

  5. 我知道有许多伙计认为R10是动圈的代名词,但是我必须说我不是他们之一。

    I know there are many folks to whom the R10s are the last word in dynamic headphones * let 's just say that I ain 't one of them .

  6. 依据动圈电动机的基本原理,研究开发了一种大推力复合补偿驱动的直线伺服单元,其推力常数为82N/A,最大驱动电流为10A,最大推力820N。

    A large power combined compensated driving linear servo unit based on the principle of voice coil motor is presented . Its force constant , maximum driving force and maximum driving current are 82 N / A , 820 N and 10A respectively .

  7. 具有短绕组动圈电动振动台的非线性参变振动

    Nonlinearly Parametric Vibration of an Electric Oscilator with Short Dynamic Coils

  8. 动圈式交流弧焊机的新结构

    New Construction of the Moving & coil Type AC Arc Welder

  9. 研究温度对动圈式地震检波器的参数的影响。

    The temperature influence on parameters of a geophone is studied .

  10. 回采巷道松动圈厚度的确定与控制

    Definition and control of thickness of relaxed zone around mining gateway

  11. 动圈式测温仪表在使用中的几个问题

    Moving Coil Type Temperature Survey Measuring Appliance in Use Several Questions

  12. 动圈式直线振动电机动态分析

    The Dynamic Analysis of Moving Coil Linear Permanent Magnet Oscillatory Actuator

  13. 简介了探测围岩松动圈的一般方法。

    The general detecting methods of rock loosing zone is presented .

  14. 配热电偶用动圈式仪表的常见附加误差

    Common additional error of moving - coil instrument for thermo-coupling

  15. 地下洞室的几何性质对松动圈的影响

    Influence of Geometry on the Broken Zone of Underground Cavity

  16. 动圈式高压电液伺服阀的分析与计算

    Analysis and Calculation of Moving-Coil High Pressure Electrohydraulic Servo Valve

  17. 200kN振动台动圈建模与仿真分析

    Modelling of armature of 200 kN shaker and its simulation

  18. 测电量用动圈式仪表布莱斯动觉能力量表

    Moving coil instrument for measuring electrical quantities Brace Scale of Motor Ability

  19. 一种抗污染动圈电液伺服阀的设计研究

    The Design of an Antipollution Moving Coil Electrohydraulic Servo Valve

  20. 对动圈式电液伺服阀的主要故障的机理进行了研究。

    The main fault mechanism of the electro-hydraulic servo valve is studied .

  21. 电动振动台动圈的有限元分析与优化设计

    Finite Element Analysis and Optimum Design for Armature of Electrodynamic Vibration Shaker

  22. 永磁动圈式/磁电系仪表海底大地电磁探测仪器辅助控制电路设计

    Permanent-magnet-coil instrument Assistant Control Electronic Circuit Board for the Benthal MT Apparatus

  23. 磁带盘制动电磁线圈一种动圈式电磁驱动气门的可行性研究

    Reel brake solenoid On Feasibility of a Moving Coil Electromagnetic Valve Actuator

  24. 测定围岩松动圈的折射波法探讨

    Exploration on refraction method of measuring rock loose ring

  25. 直接辐射式动圈扬声器实用阻抗分析

    Practical Impedance Analysis of the Direct-radiator Type Moving-coil Loudspeaker

  26. 记录型动铁式电流表直流动圈式方形电表

    Moving iron recording ammeter DC moving coil square instrumert

  27. 动圈式水磁直线振动电机的研究

    Study on Moving Coil Linear Permanent Manget Oscillatory Actuator

  28. 围岩松动圈的弹塑性位移反分析方法探索

    A back analysis method for elastoplastic displacement of broken rock zone around tunnel

  29. 强迫力非线性对动圈扬声器跳变现象的影响

    The Influence of Exacted Force Nonlinearity about the Jump Phenomena in Moving-coil Loudspeakers

  30. 研究恒加速度过阻尼动圈式地震检波器参数的测量方法。

    It focuses on parameter measurement for constant acceleration overdamped coil type geophones .