
dònɡ zhí wù
  • Animals and plants;animal and vegetable life generally
  1. 这个地区的野生动植物很多。

    The area is rich in wildlife .

  2. 这个岛屿拥有丰富多样的景致及种类繁多的野生动植物。

    The island offers such a wide variety of scenery and wildlife

  3. 这本书包括了有关动植物的一些有用的知识。

    The book includes some useful facts about animal and plant life .

  4. 某些种类的动植物不能适应迅速变化的环境。

    Some animal and plant species cannot accommodate to the rapidly changing conditions

  5. 游客们可以看到一系列各种各样、色彩斑斓的水生动植物。

    Visitors can view a rich and colorful array of aquatic plants and animals

  6. 蛞蝓以腐烂的动植物为食。

    Slugs feed on decaying plant and animal material .

  7. 几乎没有哪个国家像南非那样拥有如此多样化的动植物栖生地。

    Few countries have as rich a diversity of habitat as South Africa .

  8. 老师带我们去野游,对动植物进行实地观察。

    Our teachers took us on field trips to observe plants and animals , firsthand

  9. 这片地区有丰富的野生动植物。

    The area has an abundance of wildlife

  10. 干燥的石墙看起来也许荒凉且毫无生机,但它们为动植物提供了宝贵的栖息地。

    Dry stone walls may appear stark and lifeless , but they provide a valuable habitat for plants and animals .

  11. 一般而言,一个地方越暖和,能生存的动植物种类通常也就越多。

    The warmer a place is , generally speaking , the more types of plants and animals it will usually support .

  12. 动植物病害传播极快。

    Animal and vegetable pests propagate with extreme rapidity .

  13. 一切动植物均由细胞组成。

    All animals and plants are composed of cells .

  14. 煤矿龌龊,而煤矿的开发还会严重影响动植物的生长。

    Coal mines are ugly , and their development has a serious effect on animal and plant life .

  15. 医学研究经常利用森林的动植物生命,而这种物种的破坏可能会阻止研究人员找到治疗某些疾病的方法。

    Medical research often makes use of the forests ' plant and animal life , and the destruction of such species could prevent researchers from finding cures for certain diseases .

  16. 世界上许多动植物都生活在雨林中。

    Many kinds of the world 's plants and animals live in the rainforests .

  17. 现在,沙洲上有一片茂密的森林,是成千上万动植物的家园。

    Now the sandbar is a thick forest and home to thousands of plants and animals .

  18. 老师和各自的学生们走进大自然和动植物打交道。

    The teachers and their pupils go out into nature and work with animals and plants .

  19. 他的同学也钦佩他对当地动植物和环境的了解。

    His classmates also admired how much he knew about local animals and plants , and the environment .

  20. 科学家们还在这种蟾蜍的DNA中发现了三种新的病毒,它们可能被用来控制有害动植物。

    The scientists have also discovered three new viruses within the toad 's DNA , which could be used to control pests .

  21. 而且自那以来,海蟾蜍蔓延至澳大利亚各地,其所到之处的当地野生动植物都受到了毒害。

    And they 've been spreading through Australia ever since , poisoning native wildlife as they go .

  22. 是关于濒危野生动植物种国际贸易的国际公约。

    CITES is the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora . CITES

  23. 据动植物检疫机关称,韩国被遗弃的动物数量从2016年的89732只增加到了2020年的130401只。

    Animal abandonment rose to 130401 in 2020 from 89732 cases in 2016 , the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency said .

  24. 这种光亮还会影响野生动植物,扰乱昆虫、鸟类和其它动物所遵循的黑白昼夜交替的周期。

    It also affects wildlife , disrupting the natural light-dark cycle that insects , birds and other animals are tuned1 into .

  25. �违反本法规定,造成土地、森林、草原、水、矿产、渔业、野生动植物等资源的破坏的,依照有关法律的规定承担法律责任。

    Whoever , in violation of this Law , causes damage to natural resources like land , forests , grasslands , water , minerals , fish , wild animals and wild plants shall bear legal liability in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws .

  26. 基于GIS的西安野生动植物园防洪规划系统研究

    Study on planning system for flood control of Xi'an Wildlife Park based on GIS

  27. Cd对于人体和动植物都是非必需元素,且有很强的毒性。

    Cd is non-essential element for humans and animals as well as plants , and is highly toxic to them .

  28. 底泥中除了供应植物所需要的N、P等营养元素,也不可避免的把过量的重金属带入到土壤中,容易对土壤、地下水、动植物造成二次污染。

    Lake sediments contains a lot of heavy metals except nutrient elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus , which are easy to pollute the soil , water , plants and animals .

  29. RNA干扰是存在于动植物细胞中的,由双链RNA介导的,序列特异性的mRNA降解过程。

    RNA interference ( RNAi ) is the process by which double-stranded RNA ( dsRNA ) directs sequence-specific degradation of mRNA in animal and plant cells .

  30. RNA干扰现象是指一种由双链RNA分子引起的基因沉默现象,在动植物中普遍存在。

    RNA interference ( RNAi ) refers to the gene silencing phenomenon induced by double-stranded RNAs . The RNAi mechanism is well conserved from plants to animals .