
  • 网络Local chronicles;Local Recorder Studies
  1. 章学诚;方志学;理论创新。

    Zhang Xuecheng ; Local chronicles study ; Theory innovation .

  2. 清代扬州学者方志学成就简论

    A Brief Discussion on the Achievement Made by the Scholars in Yangzhou in the Science of Local Chronicles in the Qing Dynasty

  3. 这三个理论自成体系又相互联系,构架出围绕方志事业发展的较为完整的《中国现代方志学》学科结构体系。

    Each of the three parts has its own systematic structure while interacts with each other , so to bring completeness and fuel the development of the science of chorography .

  4. 其史学思想的内容包括他对史学性质的看法,以及其在传记史学、方志学和谱学方面形成的见解和所作出的贡献。

    His historical thought , including his opinions on nature of historical study and historian accomplishment , and his view formed and his contribution made on biography history , chorography and Genealogy .

  5. 此外,张其昀在地理学、方志学、当代史研究等方面均成就斐然,论文主要出于篇幅结构上的考虑,而未将这些列为考察重点,故在著述整理部分予以适当呈现。

    In addition , Chang made remarkable achievements in Geography , Chorography , and Contemporary History and so on , which not the focus of paper , only be appropriately presented for structure .