
xì jūn
  • germ;bacterium;fungus
细菌 [xì jūn]
  • [bacterium;germ] 组成裂殖菌纲的一大类微小植物,具有圆形、杆状、螺旋形或丝状的单细胞或非细胞菌体,常聚集成菌落,生活在土壤、水、有机物或活的动、植物体内,它们的化学效应(如固氮、腐败和各种发酵)和病原体作用对人类有很大影响

细菌[xì jūn]
  1. 这种细菌附着在病人使用过的东西上。

    This germ is found on things used by the patients .

  2. 布林顿说,根据他的研究,他认为口罩就是细菌捕捉器。

    Bullington said that , based on his research , he believes masks are germ catchers .

  3. 在实验室里繁殖这些细菌是可能的。

    It is possible to multiply these bacteria in the laboratory .

  4. 我们的免疫系统正在杀死数以十亿计的细菌。

    Our immune systems are killing billions of germs right now .

  5. 随后把细菌放到显微镜下进行检查。

    The bacteria were then examined under a / the microscope .

  6. 细菌在糖基中生长。

    The bacteria were growing in a sugar medium .

  7. 这些细菌对人无害。

    The bacteria are harmless to humans .

  8. 细菌一进入血液里,就附着在红细胞表面上。

    Once in the bloodstream , the bacteria adhere to the surface of the red cells .

  9. 细菌通过分裂和自我复制来繁殖。

    Bacteria reproduce by dividing and making copies of themselves .

  10. 随着细菌的分解,肥料逐渐释放出各种营养成分。

    The fertiliser releases nutrients gradually as bacteria decompose it .

  11. 治疗期间辅以一个疗程的抗生素注射来杀灭细菌。

    Treatment is supplemented with a course of antibiotics to kill the bacterium

  12. 温牛奶是细菌理想的滋生地。

    Warm milk is the ideal breeding ground for bacteria .

  13. 到底是什么细菌引起的感染还不清楚。

    Exactly which bacteria cause the infection is still unknown .

  14. 他们发现了一种肉眼可见的细菌。

    They found a bacterium visible to the human eye

  15. 肥皂破坏细菌的细胞壁。

    Soap destroys the cell walls of bacteria .

  16. 加氯是为了杀死细菌。

    Chlorine is added to kill bacteria .

  17. 为进一步确诊,医院实验室必须培养一个细菌菌落。

    To confirm the diagnosis , the hospital laboratory must culture a colony of bacteria .

  18. 如果你的尿样显示有细菌存在,医生会给你开抗生素。

    If your urine specimen shows the presence of bacteria , you 'll be prescribed antibiotics .

  19. 店里的一些地方十分肮脏不洁,简直就是滋生细菌的理想温床。

    Parts of the shop were very dirty , unhygienic , and an ideal breeding ground for bacteria .

  20. 土壤首先是被种植其中的作物消耗掉,其次受自然风化和细菌活动的侵蚀。

    The soil is depleted first by having crops grown in it and second by natural weathering and bacterial action .

  21. 长时间放置在潮湿的环境中使食物中的细菌迅速繁殖。

    Long-time exposure to the damp environment multiplies the bacteria in food rapidly .

  22. 细菌在适当的条件下繁殖很快。

    Bacteria multiply quickly under favourable conditions .

  23. 伤口沾染了细菌。

    The wound was infected with germs .

  24. 菌斑中的细菌还可以导致牙龈炎及其他牙周病。

    Bacteria in plaque also cause gingivitis and other periodontal diseases .

  25. 这种细菌见不得光。

    This type of bacteria can 't stand exposure to light .

  26. 这台显微镜可以把细菌放大三千倍。

    This microscope can magnify bacteria three thousand times their actual size .

  27. 结肠是大浓度的细菌所在地。

    The colon is the locus of a large concentration of bacteria .

  28. 细菌附着在牙缝中的食物残渣上,导致蛀牙。

    Bacteria sticks to food debris in the teeth , causing decay .

  29. 这种滤液的浸染性应归之于不能描述的细菌。

    The nondescript bacteria were responsible for the infectivity of the filtrate .

  30. 空气中充满了许多看不见的细菌。

    The air is full of millions of invisible germs .