
Vitamin E can protect membrane from the damage of lipid peroxidation , Salivary acid is the residual of carbohydrate on the membrane .
Asialoglycoprotein Receptor ( ASGPR ) is mainly expressed on the surface of liver cells , which can specifically recognize the galactose residues of asialoglycoproteins , and then remove them by inducing receptor-mediated endocytosis .
ASGP-R , as a transmembrane protein , can lead to receptor-mediated endocytosis . It is expressed exclusively on the surface of cell membrane of hepatocytes . It could bind to galactose-terminal molecules and transports them to lysosomes inside the cell , and then is recycled .
It seemed that some sugar residues had o-acetyl group .
Every eight sugar residues of the backbone consist a repeating unit ;
An important sperm receptor - β - D-galactosyl residue of Zona pellucida glycoprotein in pig
The better condition was confirmed by the orthogonal experiment with the factors : solvent , the molar ratio of monosaccharide and ester reagent , temperature and reaction time .
The results indicated that glucose derived from cellulose of cell walls , xylose and fructose derived from semi-cellulose and lignin content increased 211.2 % , 329.3 % and 280.3 % , respectively .
These results suggested that p-D-galactosyl residue in the pig ZP glycoprotein may act as an important sperm receptor for sperm-oocyte binding and penetration . The ecologic indexes (α, β, S , δ, C. )
The ginseng pectin contains residues of galacturonic acid , galactose , arabinose as main components , and rhamnose as minor components .
New simple method to detect uronic acids in polysaccharides