
  • 网络Physics Review Letters;physical review letter;Phys Rev Lett
  1. 期刊《物理评论快报》上如是说。

    So says a study in the journal Physical Review Letters .

  2. 该研究发表在《物理评论快报》上。

    The study is in the journal Physical Review Letters .

  3. 美国《物理评论快报》的编辑策略试论法制化的体育社会

    Introduction to policies of Physical Review Letters of the American Physical Society

  4. 他们在即将出版的最新一期《物理评论快报》上报告了他们的发现。

    They report their findings in an upcoming issue of Physical Review Letters .

  5. 本周他们在《物理评论快报》上公布了实验方法。

    They have published their method in this week 's issue of Physical Review Letters .

  6. 《物理评论快报》出版发行了一项研究,研究细菌流体动力学及如何运动方面的耶鲁大学工程学家报道说,住院病人导尿管高感染发生率原因可能是因为致病菌“向左游”导致。

    Yale engineers who study both flow hydrodynamics and how bacteria propel themselves report that one reason for the high incidence of infections associated with catheters in hospital patients may be that some pathogenic bacteria swim " to the left ," in a study published in Physical Review letters .