
fǎn qì xuán
  • anticyclone;high
  1. 反气旋天气情况比气旋天气情况更有利些。

    The anticyclone weather situations are more favorable than the cyclonic ones .

  2. 高层反气旋流出在150~100hPa层附近,流出主要位于TC北半圆。

    The anticyclone in high yield effuses in about the 150 hPa-100 hPa layer , and the outflow mostly appears in the north half-round of TC .

  3. 当菲律宾群岛以东洋面上空的反气旋环流中心西移稳定至130°-145°E这一区域后,非绝热加热的垂直变化对该环流中心的维持及消亡起主要作用。

    After the anti-cyclonic center to the east of the Philippines moves to130 ° - 145 ° E , diabatic heating vertical change plays a major role in its maintenance .

  4. 1~2,4,7与10月在PN断面以东都出现暖的、反气旋式涡,10月份时,反气旋式涡最强。

    But an anticyclonic and warm eddy occurs in area east of the Kuroshio at Section PN in other months , especially , is strongest in October .

  5. 中纬度西风与MCS南部的偏东北风构成一个反气旋环流带。

    The Meiyu cloud band is associated with an anticyclonic wind belt with mid-latitude westerlies to the north and subtropical easterlies to the south .

  6. 切变基流对适应过程有重大影响,当基流具有很强的反气旋切变,使f-(du)/dy0时,非地转运动强烈发展。

    It is found that non-geostrophic motions will strongly develop if ( f - du / dy ) 0 . The influence of diabatic heating on geostrophic adjustment process is discussed .

  7. 在断面N2附近及以北存在一个气旋式环流系统.其次,在海南岛东南存在一个尺度不大的反气旋环流系统。

    There is a cyclonic circulation system near and north of Section N2 . In the next place , there is a not wide scope of the anti cyclonic circulation southeast of Hainan Island .

  8. 正IOD导致了日本、中国东北部及东部部分地区上空出现反气旋环流异常,从而引起这些区域夏季气候异常干旱。

    The positive IOD resulted in the anomalous anticyclone over Japan and the eastern and northeastern part of China , causing abnormally dry summer in these regions .

  9. WNP反气旋形成于ELNino发展期的秋季,发展于成熟期的冬季和次年春季,衰减于次年夏季。

    The WNP anticyclone forms in the El Nino growing autumn , grows in the El Nino mature winter and the following spring , and decays in the subsequent summer , respectively .

  10. 热带外正SSTA上方850hPa高度及温度均为正距平,流场则呈反气旋式异常环流。

    On the contrary , over the extratropical positive SSTA , positive height and temperature anomalies . and a strong anomalous anticyclonic circulation appear .

  11. FSW类型则主要受到梅雨锋面及西南气流影响,从风场分布可明显观察到沿著梅雨锋面的东南及西北侧皆有数个反气旋环流系统排列,使得锋面处的风切更为增强。

    From the wind field , we can find that a series of anti-cyclones located to the southeastern and the northwestern sides along the Mei-Yu front , which make the frontal wind shear even enhanced .

  12. 就亚太地区而言,在ELNino位相,东亚大槽减弱,热带西太平洋为反气旋性异常环流控制;东太平洋-北美地区PNA遥相关型发展。在LaNina位相情况相反。

    As for the Asia-Pacific region , the East Asia is weaker , an anticyclone hovers over the West tropical Pacific , and the PNA teleconnection develops over East Pacific-North America in El Nino phase ; and opposite in La Nina phase .

  13. 在WNP和WEP海区SST异常的共同强迫下,我国南海及西太平洋出现低空反气旋式环流。

    Results also show that , with the jointly effects of SSTA in WNP and WEP , an abnormal anticyclonic circulation in the lower troposphere is observed over the South China Sea and North-west Pacific .

  14. 结果表明,MCC发生在较弱的斜压环境里,对流层低层有明显的天气系统如切变线、中尺度低涡,中层可以没有低压槽参与,高层则出现在反气旋环流里。

    Results demonstrate that the MCC develops in a weak baroclinic environment , a 850 hPa horizontal wind shear line with a vortex dominated in the low levels and an anticyclone in upper levels , without baroclinic wave trough accompanying in midlevels .

  15. 西段(即黑潮)主要参与副热带环流(STG)和经向环流(STC);东段主要参与日本东南的反气旋式涡旋再回流。

    The western sector , Kuroshio , mainly involves the subtropical gyre ( STG ) and the subtropical cell ( STC ), and the eastern sector mainly involves the anticyclonic gyre to the southeast of Japan which quickly recirculates .

  16. 850hPa流场差异场的冬季型在西太平洋北/南部为气旋式/反气旋式环流,在大陆上以青藏高原(TP)偶极流型为主要特征;

    As to the streamline difference at 850 hPa , the winter type is characterized as cyclonic / anticyclonic circulations over the northern / southern Western Pacific , and a " TP dipole pattern " over the continent .

  17. 对于越南中部外海反气旋环流的形成和南移,看来是与纬向积分风应力涡度的改变和Sverdrup平衡有关。

    The formation and the southbound movement of the anticyclonic circulation offshore to the middle of Vietnam is related to change of the zonal integral of the wind stress curl and the Sverdrup balance .

  18. 在对流层上部(300hPa以上)是一个中尺度反气旋式辐散环流,在对流层下部(以700hPa为中心)是一个气旋式辐合环流。

    There are a mesoscale negative vorticity circulation with divergence in the upper troposphere ( above 250hPa ) , and a positive vorticity circulation with convergence in the lower troposphere ( centered at 700hPa ) .

  19. 在青岛石岛附近还存在一个中尺度的反气旋型涡旋。

    There is a mesoscale anticyclone addy near Qingdao and Shidao .

  20. 南侧的一个核心成为反气旋式涡旋的一部分。

    The southern core becomes one part of the warm eddy ;

  21. 暖平流及非绝热加热可使反气旋曲率加强。

    The warm advection and diabatic heating can increase the curvature .

  22. 1973年夏季一个反气旋型涡旋的初步分析

    A preliminary study on the anticyclonic eddy in summer of 1973

  23. 赤道反气旋的合成结构和涡度收支

    The composite structure and the vorticity budget of the equatorial anticyclone

  24. 西太平洋夏季赤道反气旋形成过程的探讨

    On the formation of the summer equatorial anticyclone over the Western Pacific

  25. 南海南部被一个反气旋式的大涡旋所占据。

    An anticyclonic eddy occupies the southern South China Sea .

  26. 结果表明,冬季湾内存在着一个反气旋式环流的流动路径;

    Analytical results show during winter a stationary anticyclonic circulation occurs in bay .

  27. 风暴在大尺度环境中较好地沿反气旋路径向高纬度运动。

    In the large scale background , the storm moves along the anticyclonic path .

  28. 帕利瑟南部的深层混合说明,该地区有一股反气旋涡旋。

    Deep mixing south of Cape Palliser indicated the presence of an anticyclonic eddy .

  29. 欧洲南部上空的反气旋给各地区带来了晴朗的好天气。

    A high over southern Europe is bringing fine sunny weather to all parts .

  30. 青岛&石岛近海反气旋中尺度涡旋存在证据及数值模拟

    Existential proof and numerical study of a mesoscale anticyclonic eddy in the Qingdao-Shidao offshore