
fǎn yì cí
  • antonym
反义词 [fǎn yì cí]
  • [antonym] 意义相反的两个词(如白与黑,好与坏等)

反义词[fǎn yì cí]
  1. 在XML文档中,需要通过各种相互关系指代人、地点和事件,从一般的关系到更加具体的关系、作用和种类、同义词和反义词。

    In XML documents you need to refer to people , places , and things with inter-relationships ranging from general to more specific , part and kind , and synonym and antonym .

  2. ETS过去还计划对GRE考试其它方面的内容作出一些重大修改,比如取消反义词和类推题以及加大阅读判断部分的内容等。

    ETS also was planning substantive changes such as eliminating antonym and analogy questions and emphasizing more critical reading .

  3. 重的反义词是什么?

    What is the opposite of heavy ?

  4. 该词是superstition(迷信)的反义词。

    It 's the opposite of superstition1 .

  5. Eyebroccoli指长相普通,没什么姿色的人。这个词是eyecandy的反义词,eyecandy一词最早出现于20世纪80年代,指外表很有吸引力的人或者用于吸引大众注意的特殊效果。

    Eye broccoli of eye candy , a phrase that first starting appearing in print in the mid-1980s and refers to visually appealing persons or effects used to draw mass attention .

  6. 并把这些反义词通过简单例证列了出来。

    And have listed these antonyms through simple illustration to out .

  7. 你能给出下列形容词的反义词吗?

    Can you give the antonyms of the following adjectives ?

  8. 肉食主义者是专吃肉、不吃蔬菜的人。它是素食主义者的反义词。

    Meatatarian is a person who eats meat virtually to the exclusion .

  9. 甜柠檬的反义词就是酸葡萄(吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸)。

    It is the equal opposite of sour grapes .

  10. 值得庆幸的是,关于这个词和它的反义词,非决定论都不存在多种解释

    Fortunately , no ambiguities hang about this word or about its opposite , indeterminism .

  11. “盐爹”是“糖爹”的反义词,“盐爹”也想成为“糖爹”,但是无奈腰包太瘪。

    Saltdaddy is the complete opposite of a sugardaddy , one who tries , but is broke and fronting .

  12. 3.strongpoint:强项(反义词:weakpoint)学语言一直是我的强项。

    Language learning has always been my strong point .

  13. 从B中选出A中的反义词,并选出正确答案。

    Then choose the right answer .

  14. 而wild的反义词则是narrow,狭窄的。你认为我的视野太窄了?

    eg : You think my scope was too narrow ?

  15. 哦,offtheair的反义词是ontheair,也就是“播出”的意思。

    Professor : Exactly ! Winnie , the opposite of " off the air " is " on the air " .

  16. “cheap”的反义词。

    The opposite of cheap .

  17. 离开;离去;起程;出发反义词:arrive飞往罗马的班机从3号航空站出发。

    to leave a place , especially to start a trip Flights for Rome depart from Terminal 3 .

  18. 所以perennial就是annual的反义词,perennial是每年都有的。

    So a perennial is the opposite of an annual . Perennials come back year after year .

  19. 反义词是unavailable。1、你周五晚上有空吗?

    Revision : Are you available on Friday evening ?

  20. cleave这个动词既有“分开”又有“黏住”的意思,遵照这两个意思,它有两个同义词,adhere和separate,这俩词偏偏彼此间又是反义词。

    The verb " cleave " is the only English word with two synonyms which are antonyms of each other : adhere and separate .

  21. “Artificial”是自然的反义词,人为制造的调味剂-不是食物自身的味道或者食物的一种成分。

    " Artificial " is the opposite of natural , things that are made by humans to change the taste of something – not the real taste of the food or the ingredients that make the food .

  22. Look和see是近义词,但oversee监视,overlook意思怎么就是忽视呢;Alot和afew是反义词,但与quite连用,怎么都表示很多的意思呢!

    How can overlook ( 17 ) and oversee ( 18 ) be opposites , while quite a lot ( 19 ) and quite a few ( 20 ) arealike ?

  23. 例如,writable和writeable是同义词,而readonly是这些的反义词&也就是说,readonly=Yes等同于writable=No。

    For instance , writable and writeable are synonyms , and read only is an antonym for these & that is , read only = Yes is equivalent to writable = No.

  24. 但如果你比赛平局时你指出“25字或less(更少)”其实就是“25字或fewer(更少)。”这种误用同样也出现在反义词“morethan”和“greaterthan”。

    But you don 't win many competitions with a tie break if you point out that " 25 words or less " should actually be " 25 words or fewer . " The antonyms " more than " and " greater than " get similarly misused .

  25. 有些人开玩笑的早出了一个DINK的反义词SITCOM,表示单收入,有两个孩子以及沉重房贷负担的家庭。

    An " opposite " term of DINK , mainly intended as a joke , is SITCOM : Single income , two children , oppressive mortgage .

  26. 结合前人的研究,论文把词汇衔接手段分为五类:重复、同义词、反义词、上下义关系、搭配,前四类又可统称为重述(reiteration)。

    Based on these theories , this study classifies lexical cohesion into five categories : repetition , synonymy , antonymy , hyponymy and collocation ( with the first four categories generalized as reiteration ) .

  27. 本文主要根据Hallidy和Hoey的衔接理论及其他国内外学者的研究,将词汇衔接手段分为重复、近义词、反义词、上义词和搭配。

    Based on the theories of Halliday and Hoey , lexical cohesive devices are divided into five categories & repetition , synonym / near synonym , antonym , superordinate , and collocation .

  28. 就连表示时间都有新的概念——pre-pone,延期的反义词,意为“提前”。

    There 's even a new concept of time - " pre-pone , " the opposite of postpone , meaning " to bring something forward . "

  29. 爱的反义词不是恨,而是无所谓。

    The opposite of love is not hate , is indifferent .

  30. 在这个意义上,力比多的反义词是死亡本能。

    In this sense , the antonym of libido is destrudo .