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shí yàn duì xiànɡ
  • tester;experimental subject;guinea pig
  1. 我们以人肺腺癌A549细胞株为实验对象。

    Human lung adenocarcinoma A549 Cells was the experimental subject .

  2. 本文以油菜为实验对象,开展碳酸镉胁迫下的土壤培养实验和氯化镉胁迫下的Hoagland营养液水培实验,研究镉在油菜中的分布与累积及其机理。

    In this paper , with rape as experimental subject , hydroponic culture in Hoagland nutrient liquid and soil pot experiment were carried out under the stresses of cadmium chloride and cadmium carbonate , respectively , to study the distribution , accumulation of cadmium in the rape and their mechanisms .

  3. 实验对象中有一半左右自认为有心灵感应能力。

    About half the subjects considered themselves to be telepathic

  4. 实验对象玩一款电脑驾驶游戏,在游戏中,玩家必须避免撞上毫无征兆突然出现在路上的墙壁。

    Subjects played a computerized driving game in which the player must avoid crashing into a wall that materializes , without warning , on the roadway .

  5. 该研究还发现,当实验对象思考并随后回忆信息内容方面的描述时,与事实记忆相关的区域,如内测颞叶变得活跃起来。

    The study also found that when subjects thought about and later recalled descriptions in terms of their informational content , regions associated with factual memory , such as the medial temporal lobe , became active .

  6. PLC虚拟实验对象的设计及应用

    The Design and Application of experiment fictitious target of PLC

  7. 目的以大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(ratmarrowmesenchymalstemcells,rMSCs)为实验对象,考察拉伸的加载对体外的调节作用。

    Objective To investigate the regulation of proliferation of rat marrow mesenchymal stem cells ( rMSCs ) by mechanical stretch .

  8. 以锌碳电池和碱性锌锰电池为实验对象,通过固体废物浸出毒性试验,探讨废电池在不同破坏程度、不同pH值和不同浸取级数条件下的浸出规律。

    The leaching rules of heavy metals from Zinc-C and alkaline Zinc-Mn dry battery have been studied at different pH-values , destruction levels and leaching grades .

  9. 实验对象的口语输出被MP3记录下来并转成文本用于分析。

    The oral production of the subjects is recorded by MP3 player and transcribed to be analyzed .

  10. 以雄性昆明种小鼠为实验对象,连续服用褪黑激素(MT)51d建立动物模型。

    The objects were Kunming mice (♂) . The model was set up by continuous administration of MT during 51 days .

  11. 以BALB/C小鼠为实验对象,研究了黑粘米酶解水提液对小鼠某些衰老指标的影响。

    Using BALB / C mice as objects of the experiments , the effects of enzymatic hydrolysate of black glutinous rice on some senescent indications of the mice have been studied .

  12. 方法:以K562细胞为实验对象,采用体外培养技术,通过细胞生长曲线、细胞形态、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活性测定方法观察苦参碱的作用。

    Methods : K562 cells were culture in vitro and observations were made on sophocarpidine by observing the cell growth curves , morphology and LDH detection .

  13. 将实验对象分为对照组(Rest)、运动后即刻组(JAE)、3h组和24h组。

    The subjects were randomly divided into the rest group , just after exercise ( JAE ) group , 3h group and 24h group .

  14. Kappa受实验对象底分布及测量偏倚影响较大,在进行一致性分析时,建议计算多个指标,进行综合评价。

    Kappa is influence by the original distribution of subjects and bias of raters , so multiple indexes should be calculated in measuring agreement .

  15. 《肥胖研究》(Obesity)2011年刊登的一项研究追踪了50名实验对象,研究者要求这些人一周至少锻炼200分钟,一天摄入1200至1500卡路里。

    A 2011 study published in the journal Obesity followed 50 people who were asked to exercise at least 200 minutes a week and to eat from 1200 to 1500 calories a day .

  16. 目的以Wistar大鼠为实验对象,经过被动吸咽过程,使其吸入燃媒中的金属物质;再经检测大鼠晶状体中铁、钙含量和通过对晶状体病理检查,揭示吸烟对晶状体的损害。

    Objective To study lens damage by means of with measurement of metals in male wistar rats exposed to a cigarette smoke environment and discover metal damage of lens .

  17. 急性心肌梗死(AMI)动物模型是研究AMI的重要基础,与冠脉结扎法、冠脉刺激法等传统方法相比,使用介入技术对实验对象进行冠状动脉阻塞是建立AMI模型的新方法。

    Compared with coronary artery ligation and coronary artery stimulus , the method that uses interventional techniques to establish AMI model is the new approach for creating the model of AMI .

  18. 本文选用Wistar大鼠为实验对象,进行了硒、汞及其联合作用的急性毒性实验,并以其研究结果为基础,进行了亚慢性毒性实验研究。

    The paper made acute toxicity test about selenium , mercury and their joint substance with Wistar rats , and then sub-chronic toxicity test was made based on the results .

  19. 但当他们用一种名为经颅磁刺激(transcranialmagneticstimulation)的非侵入性过程,暂时阻断志愿者的大脑皮层时,实验对象不再调整自身行为来服从群体行为。

    But when they temporarily shut down the cortices of the volunteers with a non-invasive procedure known as transcranial magnetic stimulation , the subjects ceased to adjust their behaviour to comply with that of the group .

  20. 方法:①制备猕猴类人ABO血型鉴定专用血清,采用改良吸收放散试验从30只华南猕猴中筛查ABO血型,并选取其中抗原性较强的2只A型、3只B型猕猴为实验对象。

    Methods : Two with A and three with B human-liked blood groups cynomolgus monkeys were selected by modified absorption-elution test from total mumber of 30 individuals .

  21. 均以右侧第2、3、4爪为实验对象,切断趾深屈肌腱后,采用改良Kessler法缝合。

    The tendons of flexor profundus of 2nd , 3rd and 4th claws were cut and repaired using modified Kessler method .

  22. 以移植性肝癌(H22)小鼠为实验对象,观察了艾灸神阙穴的抗癌作用。

    It has been observed in mice with transplanted liver cancer ( H22 ) that the anticancer actions with moxibustion Shenque point .

  23. 本文对上海市托儿所2~3岁儿童作含单氟磷酸钠和氟化钠的双氟牙膏的临床防龋效果研究。实验对象分为3组:第l组为实验组,用双氟牙膏刷牙;

    Anti-caries effect of dentifrice containing sodium monofluorophosphate and sodium fluoride was studied among 2-3 years OLD nursery children .

  24. 方法:以草犬为实验对象,比较了肝动脉注射常规型OPT,空白明胶微球和OPT-ms对大鼠肝癌的作用,并以肝动脉注射生理盐水作对照。

    Methods : The therapeutic effects of OPT-ms through hepatic on liver carcionoma in rats were compared with that of conventional OPT , bland spongostan microsphere , and injection of saline as control group artery .

  25. 以大鼠为实验对象,研究了在不同声强、不同时间暴露下的大鼠肝中天冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)和丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)活性的变化。

    Objectives To study the effects of Chinese herbal medicine on adjusting changes in activities of AST and ALT in the liver of rats exposed to noise with varied intensity and length .

  26. 为了研究辣椒素的辅助功能是否对肿瘤治疗有益,作者用侵袭性MethA纤维肉瘤种植小鼠作为实验对象。

    To investigate whether this adjuvant ability of capsaicin can have an application in tumour therapy , the authors challenged mice with the aggressive fibrosarcoma Meth A.

  27. 本研究以犬为实验对象,观察微型种植体支抗压低犬牙过程中牙周组织的改建情况以及RANKL在牙周组织内的表达变化,探讨并分析牙齿的移动方式。

    The remodeling of periodontal tissues and the variation of RANKL in periodontal tissues were observed in application of mini-implant anchorage for teeth intrusion in dogs .

  28. 以中央核处理器(CPU)这一典型的金含量高的电子废弃物为实验对象,采用油浴离心分离法、熔锡法及真空热解法对CPU进行预处理以实现针脚的分离。

    Central processing unit ( CPU ), a significant electronic component with a high gold content , was taken in experiment . CPU was pre-processed by centrifugal separation , solder smelting and vacuum pyrolysis to separate the pins from the base plates .

  29. 行为科学家丹艾瑞里(DanAriely)和詹姆斯海曼(JamesHeyman)要求实验对象完成一项枯燥的工作;那些有几美分报酬的人干得比没有报酬的人还少。

    The behavioural scientists Dan Ariely and James Heyman asked experimental subjects to perform a boring task ; those paid a few cents did less work than those paid nothing at all .

  30. 研究目的(1)以家兔为实验对象建立了4种医源性喉返神经(RLN)损伤的动物模型,研究不同损伤方式对喉返神经功能的影响。

    Objective ( 1 ) To study the influence of several types of nerve injuries during operation on the function of recurrent laryngeal nerve ( RLN ) in rabbits .