
  • 网络brand reinforcement
  1. 我们的任务是保护这一品牌,强化这一品牌,持久地完善这一品牌。

    Our duty is to protect , strengthen , and perfect it .

  2. 以改革创新为动力,提升企业品牌和强化资本运行功能;

    Take reforming and making innovations as the motive force to upgrade corporate image and strengthen capital operations .

  3. 相反,我们将更加专注于品牌的强化、产品结构的优化以及客户服务的提升工作。

    Instead , we will focus on the strength of our brand the excellent product portfolio and the superior .

  4. 最后,长远的角度出发,提出了经营模式多样化、大力发展连锁品牌、强化连锁服务体系、作大作强连锁经营,探讨了汽修连锁经营可持续发展的对策。

    Finally , it proposes the idea of diversification management pattern , developing the chain-like brand vigorously , strengthening chain-like service system , making the chain-like management strong , and discusses a policy to the sustainable development of automobile chain-like management .

  5. 如何建立与服装风格相吻合的logo体系是品牌服装能否强化其个性,突出品牌优势,是在当今市场增强竞争力的关键。

    How to establish a Logo system that fit the styles of fashion properly has become the key point of intensifying the feature , giving prominence to the advantage of the brands and strengthening the competition .

  6. 企业纷纷进行品牌延伸以强化自身品牌竞争优势,保持品牌长期活力。

    The enterprises have executed the brand extension for the competitive strength enhancement .

  7. 论旅游地品牌的主题强化与形象构建&以新乡市为例

    A case study on Xinxiang city : theme enforcement and image construction of tourism brand

  8. 公司注重品牌意识,强化品牌管理,以“林频”品牌叫响市场,成绩斐然。

    We emphasize the brand awareness and strengthen the brand management ; we become well known in the market depending on " Linpin " brand and have achieved a lot .

  9. 最后提出了提升福建省电子及通信设备产业集群竞争力的对策:构筑高科技型人才高地、提高技术创新能力、优化产业链结构、树立良好的区域品牌形象和强化风险投资体系建设。

    In the end , the thesis puts forward relevant strategies which include building the base for science and technology talents 、 enhancing technological innovation capability 、 optimizing industrial chains configuration 、 establishing excellent regional brand and strengthening venture capital system .

  10. 针对怀化市现代农业发展的制约因素,本研究从推进经营集约化、推动结构调整、提高科技含量、推进产品品牌化、强化政府职能、改善农业基础设施等方面提出了对策建议。

    In connection with these restraining factors , to promote the intensive management , promote structural adjustment , increase the technology content , promote the product brand , strengthen the functions of government and improve the agricultural infrastructure , these countermeasures have been recommended .

  11. 把你的品牌和那些能强化你的品牌的事物相关联。

    Have your brand associate things that can further enhance your brand .

  12. 强化银行卡品牌形象,通过强化自身的服务,提高服务水准。

    Strengthen the brand image of banking Card , improves excellent service standard .

  13. 报刊品牌的形成与强化

    The Forming and Intensifying of Brands of Newspaper

  14. 美瑞国际同时代理经销北美和欧洲的高端涂料品牌及世界500强化工原材料。

    M & R also agency many international well-known paint products from North America and Europe , as well as chemical raw materials of TOP500 .

  15. 常规的品牌进化策略包括品牌强化、品牌延伸和品牌促进。

    Conventional brand evolution strategies include brand consolidation , brand extension and brand promotion .

  16. 融入品牌里面的陈列设计可以使品牌的风格强化。

    Into the brand inside the display design can strengthen the brand 's style .

  17. 本文从2006湖南卫视春晚关键词突显其品牌特色入手,探究品牌制胜的原因以及在新形势下湖南卫视的品牌如何进一步强化。

    This paper want to investigate the reason of won trademark from the key words embodied its characteristic of trademark about the Spring festival evening party in 2006.And under the new situation , how should Hunan TV to strengthen its trademark further .

  18. 从品牌创立初期,到品牌成长期、品牌转型期,10多年来,电视湘军经历了三次改革,五步战略:品牌延伸、品牌强化定位、品牌覆盖、品牌联合以及品牌合并。

    From starting at brand building , brand shaping to brand changing , Hunan Television Army has innovated three times and gone through five strategies for more than 10 years .