
  • 网络Paladin;Paladine;Palladium;NISSAN PALADIN
  1. 然后,他帮我们找到了留在酒店,把我们带到一个很棒的地方吃饭,甚至见了我们第二天采取帕拉丁到4S的。

    Then he helped us find a hotel to stay in , took us to a great place for dinner , and even met with us the next morning to take the Paladin to4S .

  2. 帕拉丁塑料件涂装线设计的得失

    Advantage and disadvantage of design for coating line of PALADIN plastic fittings

  3. “水世界”的主人、土生土长的百慕大人乔恩・帕拉丁(JonParadine)现在居住在世界的另一端,他表示,百慕大确实需要“改善形象”、提高自身的娱乐价值。

    Jon Paradine , the owner of Aquamarina and a native Bermudian who is now living half way around the world , says , sure , the island needs to ' improve its product ' and up its entertainment value .

  4. 这项裁决的影响从帕拉丁蔓延到了整个中西部地区。

    The ruling in Palatine reverberated across the Midwest .

  5. 关于帕拉丁级的变化。

    Concerning Paladin class changes .

  6. 帕拉丁:判断的智慧:修正了一个允许一个拷贝的目标为游侠。

    Paladin : Judgement of Wisdom : Fixed a bug allowing one copy on target per paladin .

  7. 与帕拉丁一起亲历达喀尔

    Tasting Dakar With Palatin

  8. 介绍了应用于帕拉丁汽车中的塑料配件的涂装工艺流程和涂装线的设计思路。

    Coating process flow and design idea of coating line of PALADIN plastic fittings applied in automobiles were introduced .

  9. 如果再给帕拉丁就会让‘坦克’们太相似了。

    To give paladins that as well would be to make the " tank " classes all too similar .

  10. 德鲁伊的熊形态不是‘小战士’形态,而且也没有让帕拉丁变得相似的计划。

    Druids are in no way mini-Warriors in bear form , and there are no plans to make Paladins similar either .

  11. 最后,他只得去向帕尔丝求教。帕尔丝是牧场女神,帕拉丁山就是以她的名字命名的。

    In the end he asked advice from Pales , the goddess of pastures after whom the Palatine Hill was named .

  12. 最佳户外团队由帕拉丁车队获得,他们成功完成了达喀尔拉力赛。

    Best outdoor team was won by Paladin car group who competed in Dakar Rally and finished the cometion in three years continousely .

  13. 他不仅使我们有,但他安排他的一些朋友来帮助我们检查帕拉丁详细。

    Not only did he take us there , but he arranged for some of his friends to help us inspect the Paladin in detail .

  14. 帕拉丁称:“水世界的海滩是我见过的最美的海滩。我想念百慕大的自然之美。”

    The beach in Aquamarina is the most beautiful beach I 've ever seen , ' says Paradine . ' I miss the natural beauty of Bermuda . '

  15. 我们要解决的具体情况下的外汇交易同步交收帕拉丁普罗特拼写电力建设,但可以治愈齿轮超过罗马建立在相同的齿轮。

    We are going to fix the specific scenario where a PvP paladin with a Prot build but spell power gear can heal for more than a Holy build in the same gear .

  16. 帕拉丁的情况让南达科他州议会的共和党人极为恐慌,以至于他们在今年2月通过了一项限制跨性别学生使用卫生间的议案——和北卡罗来纳州那项变成了法规的举措颇为相似。

    In the South Dakota Legislature , Republicans were so alarmed by the situation in Palatine that , in February , they passed a measure restricting bathroom access for transgender students - similar to the one that later became law in North Carolina .