
  • 网络Patty;patti;Pattie;Paddy;PATI
  1. 帕蒂开始阅读她能找到的所有东西。

    Patty began reading everything she could get her hands on .

  2. “嘿!小心点!”帕蒂喊道。

    ' Hey ! Look out ! ' shouted Patty

  3. 我记得帕蒂是姓史密斯的。

    As far as I can recall , Patti was a Smith .

  4. 我让她原原本本地重复一下帕蒂的措辞。

    I asked her to repeat specifically the words that Patti had used

  5. 帕蒂妒火中烧,开枪击中了汤姆。

    Pattie shot Tom in a fit of jealous rage .

  6. 她的妹妹帕蒂•史密斯•希尔在肯塔基州路易斯维尔的一所幼儿园当老师时为这首歌写了原版歌词,米尔德里德也在那里教书。

    Her sister Patty Smith Hill wrote the original lyrics ( for the song while she was a teacher in a kindergarten in Louisville , Kentucky , where Mildred also taught .

  7. “它们就像写生集,”纽约布鲁克林的一位艺术博客作者帕蒂•约翰逊(PaddyJohnson)说。

    ' They 're like sketchbooks , 'says Paddy Johnson , a Brooklyn art blogger .

  8. 从R.笛卡儿、R.胡克和帕蒂到C.惠更斯:惠更斯波动理论的发展

    From R. descartes , R. Hooke and pardies to C. Huygens : development of Huygens undulatory theory

  9. 帕蒂•戴维斯,CNN,弗吉尼亚马克兰报道。

    Patty Davis , CNN , Mclean , Virginia .

  10. 1893年出版了一首名为《大家早上好》(GoodMorningtoAll)的歌,与它旋律颇为类似,创作者是米尔德里德·希尔(MilderedHill)和她的姊妹——肯塔基州的幼儿园老师帕蒂(Patty)。

    Its familiar melody was first published in 1893 as " Good Morning to All , " written by Mildred Hill and her sister Patty , a kindergarten teacher in Kentucky .

  11. 帕蒂•赫斯特(PattyHearst)被绑架后加入了暴力组织,但她是个特例。

    Patty Hearst got herself kidnapped and joined the revolutionaries , but she was special .

  12. 帕蒂•斯通西弗之前是微软(Microsoft)职位最高的女性,后来负责运营数十亿美元的比尔和梅琳达•盖茨基金会(BillandMelindaGatesFoundation),今年她也找到了自己的新工作。

    Patty Stonesifer , previously the highest-ranking woman at Microsoft ( MSFT ) , who then went on to run the multi-billion dollar bill and Melinda Gates Foundation , also got a new job this year .

  13. AtharOsama在美国加州圣莫尼卡的帕蒂兰德研究生院获得了科学和创新政策博士学位。

    Athar Osama holds a PhD in science and innovation policy from Pardee – RAND Graduate School in Santa Monica , California , USA.

  14. 自由球员帕蒂-米尔斯已经与母队圣安东尼奥马刺队达成口头协议,签署为期4年,总价值5000万美元的合同,联盟的线人告诉ESPN。

    Free-agent guard Patty Mills has agreed to a four-year , $ 50 million contract to return to the San Antonio Spurs , league sources told ESPN .

  15. 像大多数伟大的音乐运动(比如,猫王在埃德•苏利文秀场,帕蒂•史密斯在CBGB摇滚俱乐部的演出)的诞生历程一样,Napster反抗惯例,大声扬言要颠覆既定规范。

    Like the birth of most great music movements Elvis on Ed Sullivan , Patti Smith at CBGB Napster was rebellious of convention , threatening to established norms , and , well , really loud .

  16. 拜托帕蒂那叫加拿大特快

    Paddy , please . It 's called the Canadian Express ...

  17. 帷幕拉开,帕蒂出来了,神采奕奕,满脸自信。

    The curtain parted to show Patty , radiant , confident .

  18. 拜托帕蒂我们去那旅游很多次了

    Paddy , please . We 've toured it many times .

  19. “你听见了吗,亲爱的?”他对帕蒂说。

    " You hear that , honey ?" he says to Patty .

  20. 她真漂亮,帕蒂唱得也神。

    She is perfectly charming ; and Patti sang divinely .

  21. 帕蒂是我

    Pat , um , it 's me . Hey .

  22. 帕蒂凯克,帕蒂凯克。

    Patty cake , Patty cake , baker 's man .

  23. 我是帕蒂是吉尔默尔房地产公司的

    I 'm Patti . I 'm with Gilmore Realty .

  24. 呃我呃…我问帕蒂要了你的电话

    I , um I got your number from Patti .

  25. 帕蒂:那不是种族蔑称。

    Patti : It wasn 't an ethnic slur .

  26. “我们有了相配的器官!”帕蒂的医生说。

    " We 've got a match ! " Patty 's doctor says .

  27. 帕蒂这是什么是西班牙异教裁判所

    Aw , Pat , what is this , the fucking Spanish inquisition ?

  28. 当时,梅普森旗下已经有一位巨星阿德琳娜•帕蒂。

    Mapelson already had a big star , Adelina Patti [ 3 ] .

  29. 帕蒂:小姐,我想买根皮带。

    Patty : miss , I 'd like to buy a leather belt .

  30. 就在那儿是帕蒂和凯特

    RlGht there . That 's Pattl and Kate .