
  1. 心肌层的毛细血管网由互相平行的毛细血管组成,血管之间可见H、K和8型等不同形式的吻合;

    The capillary network of the myocardial layers was consisted of many parallel capillaries and between them a variety of models of anastomoses , such as " H " " K " and " 8 " modes etc , were observed .

  2. 分析90°扭曲向列型液晶的电-光开关特性,将90°TN&LC设定为正常黑(NB)模式,置于两个透光方向互相平行的偏振片之间。

    We analyzed Electro-Optic valve characteristic of 90 ° twisted nematic liquid crystal , setting " 90 ° TN-LC " to the " normal black "( NB ) pattern , and put in between two diaphanous directions mutually parallel polaroid .

  3. 在研究四波耦合时,分别讨论了在三种BSO晶体切面上,信号光和向前泵浦光的的偏偏振振态态互相平行和存在夹角时相位共轭反射率的特性;

    Studying four-wave mixing , we get the phase-conjugate reflectivity in three cut planes in BSO when the polarization of signal beam and pump beam are parallel or not parallel .

  4. 对二波耦合,分别讨论了在三种BSO晶体切面上,信号光和参考光的偏振态互相平行和存在夹角时信号光增益特性;

    Studying two-beam coupling , we get the gain curve of the signal beam in three cut planes in BSO when the polarization of signal and reference beams are parallel or not parallel .

  5. 你的第二个脚趾应该指向前并互相平行。

    Your second toes should be pointing forward and be parallel .

  6. 新的和原本的供应曲线互相平行。

    The new and previous supply curves are parallel to each other .

  7. 假如波前为一些互相平行的轮廓面,这波就叫平面波。

    If the wavefronts are parallel lines , the waves are called plane waves .

  8. 使用一组截面为矩形的互相平行的试条,并将它们粘贴在一薄片上。

    A series of parallel strips of rectangular section is cemented over a lower sheet .

  9. 让你的第二个脚趾互相平行。

    Let your second toes are parallel .

  10. 这种分子长轴彼此互相平行的自发取向过程使液晶产生高度的双折射性。

    The process of the spontaneous orientation of the long axis , cause LC produce the high birefringence .

  11. 在斜齿轮情况下,并且,旋转的轴不是互相平行的。

    And in the case of bevel gears , the rotational axes are not parallel to each other .

  12. 这通常只发生在,它们互相平行的时候。

    And , the way in which that happens is if they are actually parallel to each other .

  13. 如果肩膀僵硬,抬至手臂大致互相平行的位置。

    If you 're tighter in the shoulders , stop when your arms are approximately parallel to each other .

  14. 提出用辅助垂直面投影作图法,确定两平面等高线互相平行时两平面的交线。

    The projection charts of the ultimate points on intersect-lines have been sougnt and drawn by assistant plane method .

  15. 标高投影中等高线互相平行时两平面交线的确定方法

    The Method for Determination of Intersecting Line of Two Planes When Their Contour Lines Being Parallel in Projection with Heights

  16. 计算结果表明,当细小的纳米管互相平行靠近时,能够形成稳定的平行联结。

    The calculation results show that the stable parallel junctions can be formed by small size nanotubes , when the two tubes close to each other .

  17. 选择一系列等间距互相平行的平面切割三维模型,得到一组模型的切片。

    A set of parallel planes with equal interval are selected to cut a model . Each plane intersects with the model and the set of the intersection points is called a slice .

  18. 连续的三维发光体可以看成若干个互相平行的二维发光断层的组合,对发光体某断层进行聚焦摄像,得到的图像是该断层的高斯像和其它断层的离焦像的叠加像。

    The basic of this technique is that a 3-D object can be regarded as a series of 2-D parallel sections to combine , Focusing some section , a overlapped image of itself Gauss and other sections ' defocused will be captured .

  19. 由于我国绝大多数高速公路与二级公路互相平行,因此在同一个交通走廊上公路运输车辆的出行路线需要驾驶员做出决策,这就需要对公路使用者的出行特征及出行行为进行研究。

    Since nearly all of the expressways in China are parallel to the second-class highways on the same traffic corridor , the drivers will make decisions on the travel routes , which will need researches on the travel characteristics and behaviors of the toll road users .

  20. 基于两对互相垂直平行线的自定标方法

    Calibration Based on Two Pair Perpendicular Parallel Lines

  21. 根据微带线中电流的对称性,将微带交指滤波器分成互相独立的平行耦合节。

    According to the symmetry of current in microstrip line , microstrip line interdigital filter is divided into parallel coupling pairs independent of each other .

  22. 模糊系统理论和随机系统理论是建立在确定性系统理论基础上的两套互相独立和平行的系统理论,前者用于解决具有模糊性因素的系统问题,后者用于解决具有随机性因素的系统问题。

    The theory of fuzzy system and stochastic system is established on the basis of the theory of certain system which are independent and parallel . The first theory is used to solve the problems of fuzzy system , the latter is used to solve the problem of stochastic system .

  23. 现实的实践活动是理论和实际在实践思维中的双向对象化同头脑内的实践思维与头脑外的实际活动双向对象化的统一:这两重双向对象化互相包含,互相制约,平行运动。

    Practical activities are the unification between theory and practice .