
  • 网络reciprocal altruism
  1. 互惠利他主义的博弈论模型中的基本假定,都建立在理性预设的基础之上。

    The basic assumptions in the game theory models of reciprocal altruism are based on the presupposition on rationality in behavior .

  2. 为了使利他主义者不被非互惠者们利用,可以预期,互惠利他主义只能在查明和惩罚“骗子”的机制都存在的情况下发生。

    In order for the altruist not to be exploited by non-reciprocaters , it would be expected that reciprocal altruism can only exist in the co-presence of mechanisms to identify and punish " cheaters " .

  3. 对互惠利他主义、微支付理论和信誉理论等三种常见的P2P分析框架和对应的激励机制进行对比分析,同时对P2P网络面临的知识产权困局及P2P经济研究趋势进行预测。

    The author makes a comparative analysis on three P2P theory bases including reciprocity-altruism , micro-payment and reputation mechanism with the relevant incentive mechanism . Finally , the author prospects the intellectual property dilemma of P2P network and its developing trends .

  4. 第二种形式是互惠的利他主义,或者说“你帮我搓背我也帮你搓背”。

    The second form is reciprocal altruism , or " you scratch my back and I 'll scratch yours " .