
  • 网络Datong basin
  1. 运用地貌学方法研究平原地区隐伏断裂&以大同盆地内部NE向隐伏断裂为例

    The Application of Geomorphology to the Study of Invisible Active Faults in Plains & taking the invisible active faults ( NE ) in the Datong Basin for example

  2. 大同盆地现今构造活动及地壳应力场特征

    Present Tectogenesis and Characteristics of Crustal Stress Field in Datong Basin

  3. 山西临汾太原大同盆地小地震活动A(b)-N法时序特征对比研究

    Comparison of Characteristics of Time Sequence of Small Earthquakes in Linfen Basin , Taiyuan Basin and Datong Basin , Shanxi , by Using the A ( b ) - N Method

  4. 大同盆地水资源数据库管理系统

    A Database Management System of the Water Resource in Datong Basin

  5. 大同盆地浅层地下水水质影响因素分析

    Analysis of Influence on the Shallow Groundwater Quality in Datong Basin

  6. 大同盆地晚新生代环境演化特征

    The Characteristics of Environmental Evolution in Late-Cenozoic of the Datong Basin

  7. 山西大同盆地的盐渍土及其苏打累积和碱化问题

    Formation , soda accumulation and alkalization of saline soils in Tatung Basin

  8. 第四纪大同盆地火山群喷发类型及构造特点

    Quaternary period Datong basin groups of volcano eruption type and structure feature

  9. 大同盆地砷、氟中毒地方病生态地球化学研究

    Eco-geochemical investigation on the endemic As and F poisoning in Datong Basin

  10. 大同盆地古冰楔(砂楔)和晚更新世自然环境

    Fossil ice wedges and late Pleistocene environment in Datong basin , shanxi Province

  11. 大同盆地盐碱区的形成和治理

    Formation and regulation of saline area in Datong basin

  12. 大同盆地作物高产高效立体种植模式研究

    Study on the high production and benefit stereo - planting patterns in Datong Basin

  13. 大同盆地中侏罗世河流沉积体系及古河型演化

    Fluvial Depositional Systems and River Pattern Evolution of Middle Jurassic Series , Datong Basin

  14. 本论文研究主体旨在揭示大同盆地地地下水系统中砷的含量,以及水文,地球化学和生物地球化学过程对砷迁移的影响。

    Geochemical and biogeochemical processes which affect As mobility within groundwater system in Datong Basin .

  15. 大同盆地碱化盐土水盐动态及主要改良措施

    Water and Salt Dynamic of Alkalize Solonchaks and Its Improving Measures in Basin of Datong

  16. 大同盆地轻度盐化土壤玉米锌肥施用方法试验

    Experiment of application methods of zinc fertilizer on corn in light salinized soil of Datong basin

  17. 山西大同盆地属干冷荒漠景观条件的半封闭型断陷盆地。

    The Datong Basin is a semi-closed fault basin developed in an arid dry desert environment .

  18. 大同盆地砷中毒病区沉积物中砷的吸附行为和影响因素分析

    Arsenic Adsorption Behavior and Influence Factors in Sediments of Endemic Arsenism Diseased Areas from Datong Basin

  19. 大同盆地是一受北东向主干断裂控制的不对称地堑盆地。

    The Datong Basin is an unsymmetrical graben , the main controlling fault of which runs north east .

  20. 山西大同盆地震源机制解矛盾符号比及波速比变化的研究

    Study on Ratio of Inconsistent Onset Polarity in Source Mechanism Solution and Variation of Wave Velocity for Datong Basin

  21. 区分晚第四纪断层作用驱动的和气候引起的流水下切&以桑干河大同盆地河段为例

    Distinction between LATE QUATERNARY FLUVIAL INCISION induced by faulting and by climate : a case study of the Sanggan River

  22. 山西大同盆地地方性砷中毒病区饮用水的水砷价态暴露研究

    Studies on exposure status of water-arsenic valence state of inhabitants in endemic arsenism diseased areas of Datong Basin of Shanxi

  23. 我国发现的水菱镁矿特征及其成因的探讨山西大同盆地更新世地层中水菱镁矿沉积及其形成环境的探讨

    ON THE MINERALOGICAL PROPERTIES AND ORIGIN OF HYDROMAGNESITE FROM CHINA Hydromagnesite and Late Pleistocene Environment in Datong Basin , Shanxi Province

  24. 大同盆地6级~6(1/2)级地震活动与华北北部7级左右地震的关系

    Relationship between M 6 ~ 612 Seismicity in Datong Basin and Earthquakes about M 7 0 in the North of North China

  25. 目的掌握大同盆地地方性砷中毒(地砷病)病区饮用水的水砷价态分布情况及其与病情的关系。

    Objective To investigate the distribution of water-arsenic valence state and its relationship with the disease state in endemic arsenism diseased areas of Datong Basin .

  26. 在大同盆地轻度盐化土壤上采用小区试验方法,试验研究了玉米施用锌肥对营养生长,产量构成因素和产量的影响。

    A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of Zinc fertilizer on corn growth and yield on the light salinized soil of Datong basin .

  27. 大同盆地东大沟湖成化学沉积物样品的实验室分析结果表明,该化学物质是水菱镁矿。

    The result of the laboratory analysis of the lacustrine chemical sediment samples from Dongdagou in the Datong Basin shows that the chemical matter is a hydromagnesite .

  28. 大同盆地第四纪的火山可以划分为两部分:西北区(通常称大同火山群)和东南区。

    For the Datong basin Quaternary volcanic group can be subdivided into two parts : the northwestern area ( i.e.the Datong volcanic group ) and the southeastern area .

  29. 在本次研究的大同盆地,全新世含水层中天然成因的砷破坏了居民安全饮用水的长期供应。

    In Datong Basin for this study , naturally occurring arsenic ( As ) in Holocene aquifers has undermined the success of supplying the residents with safe drinking water .

  30. 本文应用水质模型分析预测大同盆地大规模农业洗盐工程对桑干河及册田水库水质的影响。

    A water quality model is presented in this paper to predict the effects of the agricultural leaching work in a large scale on water quality in Sang GanStream and Cetian Reservoir .