
  • 网络major city;bigger cities
  1. 省、治区的人民政府制定的规章的效力高于本行政区域内的较大的市的人民政府制定的规章。

    Local rules enacted by the People 's Government of a province or autonomous region have higher legal authority than local rules enacted by the People 's Government of a major city located in its jurisdiction .

  2. 徐州作为全国较大的市,人均GDP接近全国水平,产业结构在国内也颇具典型性。

    Xuzhou , one of relatively large cities in China , approaches the national level in the per capita GDP and is of typical industrial structure .

  3. 较大的市不仅是一类城市,而且是被赋予法律意义的法律概念,其有不同于一般城市的特点。

    " Larger cities " is not only a kind of cities , but also a concept of law which is given the legal significance . Its characteristics is different from the general cities .

  4. 宁波是中国对外开放城市、享有省一级经济管理权限的计划单列城市、具有制定地方性法规权力的“全国较大的市”,是全国历史文化名城。

    As a famous historic and cultural city , Ningbo is an open city which enjoys autonomy and the ability to make its own laws , something which other places in China do not have .

  5. 基于城市发展的特殊需要,中央赋予较大的市法规和规章的立法权,以期实现较大的市法治化管理的目标。

    Based on the special needs of urban development , the central gives " Larger cities " legislative power to formulate regulations and rules , at the same time to realize " Larger cities " management functions by the rule of law .

  6. 它是我国一元两级立法体制中的一个有机组成部分,数量庞大且很活跃,这对于推进较大的市依法行政、管理地方事务已经和正在发挥着重要作用。

    As an organic component of one-subject-with-two-levels legislative system , the legislative power of larger cities has played and is playing an important role in promoting the administration through law and managing local affairs in larger cities due to its great numbers and active performance .

  7. “所有的报纸都说平权措施要过时了,”来自一所规模较大的纽约市中学的一位资深顾问说道。

    " All the newspapers say affirmative action is done ," says a veteran counselor at a large New York City high school .

  8. 在农村发展的外部环境中,村域所在县(市)的影响程度大于较大范围的地(市)的影响程度,但地(市)影响程度正逐步加强;

    In the exterior surroundings of rural development , the affected extent of the county where the research village is located is more than the city , but the effect of the later is gradually strengthened .