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  1. 自那以后美洲豹就再没回过豹房。

    Since then , the jaguar did not go back to its house anymore .

  2. 段飞背脊的寒毛突然耸立起来,他有些不安,留宿豹房又怎么了?

    Segment ugg boots nice cilia that flies spine suddenly fortresses aloft , he is a morsel uncomfortable , reside overnight leopard establishing again how ?

  3. 然而此举并未带来多大改观,那只豹只是偶尔陪伴外来的“女友”走出豹房,到阳光下站一会儿,不久就又回到它的“卧室”。

    Nonetheless , it did not make too much sense . The jaguar just sometimes went out of its house with its " girlfriend " and stayed in the sun for a while before it came back to its house again .