
  • 网络Auckland sky tower;SkyCity;The Sky Tower
  1. 之后,便可径直走向海滩购物廊,在其屋顶的天空塔,游客可以看到整个迷人都市的全景。

    Then head to the Shore Shopping Gallery , where the rooftop Sky Tower provides panoramic views across this alluring metropolis . 10 .

  2. 其中一个景点就是大多数当地导游都会提到的奥克兰天空塔,这个塔很受蹦极爱好者的欢迎。

    One of those spots that most of the local tour guides mention is Auckland Sky Tower . The tower is popular with bungee jumpers .

  3. 奥克兰天空塔在去新西兰之前,花些时间找出观光目的地以及周边都有哪些地方可以去。

    AucklandSky Tower Before going to the New Zealand take some time and find out what sightseeing destination the place and its surrounding areas have .

  4. 澳洲的雪梨大桥及纽西兰的天空之塔都会涌入许多人。

    Sydney Harbor Bridge in Australia and the Skytower in New Zealand are both flooded with people .

  5. 半个世纪后,上海成为了另一种通天塔,一个确实已触及天空的通天塔。

    Half a century later , Shanghai became another kind of Babel , one that actually reached for the sky .

  6. ASoftSunset柔和的日落这张极好的照片显示了反衬在橙红色天空里的钙华塔,背景是内华达山脉里玫瑰色的薄雾。

    This stunning shot shows the towers ' reflections against the salmon pink sky , with the periwinkle haze of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the background .

  7. 这张极好的照片显示了反衬在橙红色天空里的钙华塔,背景是内华达山脉里玫瑰色的薄雾。

    This stunning shot shows the towers'reflections against the salmon pink sky , with the periwinkle haze of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the background .