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  1. 埋弧焊采用WQ系列焊丝匹配均达到了天兴洲大桥焊接技术条件,焊缝综合性能指标完全满足了大跨度大桥制造焊接技术的要求。

    The wires of WQ series are good in the comprehensive properties , which can completely meet the welding technical requirements of long-span bridge construction .

  2. 四川泸县天兴长石石英砂岩矿选矿试验研究

    Experimental research on mineral processing of Tianxing feldspar - quartz sandstone

  3. 明郑台湾天兴万年二县(州)辖境的再探讨

    Further Discussion on the Jurisdictional Region of Two Counties ( States ) Tianxing and Wannian in Zheng 's Taiwan of Ming Dynasty

  4. 由于武汉天兴洲公铁两用斜拉桥为钢结构和钢筋混凝土结构的混合结构,该桥的整体结构阻尼比为一个未知数。

    The damping ratio of the overall structure of Tianxinzhou Bridge is unknown , because the structure of the bridge is composed by reinforced concrete structure and steelwork structure .

  5. 新近发明的创新产品已获国家专利的“天兴牌”瓷砖钢地板更受广大客户欢迎。

    Recently invented the innovation product has obtained the national monopoly " the day to be popular the sign " the ceramic tile steel floor to gain the general customer popularity .

  6. 重点介绍武汉天兴洲公铁两用长江大桥结构体系、主桁结构、基础选型和基础施工等关键技术及研究成果。

    In this paper , the key techniques and research findings of the structural system , main truss structure , foundation type selection and foundation construction of the Bridge are mainly dealt with .

  7. 根据历年河道实测资料,对武汉天兴洲洲头整治工程河段历史、近期河道演变以及工程河段河床演变发展趋势进行了分析。

    Based on the field data , the historical and recent evolution and developing trend of the reach near the training work at the head of Tianxing Bar are analysized in this paper .

  8. 金国于天兴元年(1233),元太宗窝阔台帅军攻下汴京,金哀宗逃至蔡州,次年,蔡州在蒙古军与宋军联合进攻下被攻破,金国至此宣告灭亡。

    In 1233 , Wokuotai , the Taizong of the Yuan Dynasty took Bianjing , Emperor of Jin , Aizong fled to Caizhou and in the following years , Jin was destroyed by the joint force of the Mongolia and the Southern Song , which brought the Jin to an end .