
  • 网络promote lactation
  1. “我们想知道通常情况下乳制品是否对生育有所影响,”Chavarro在一次电话采访中说道。

    " We wanted to know whether dairy foods in general affected fertility ," Chavarro said in a telephone interview .

  2. 乳管镜下乳管内病变的诊断及定位技术

    Diagnosis and Localization of Breast-duct Disease by Breast Duct Endoscope

  3. 钼靶图像定位技术下乳管内隆起样病变切除术

    Excision of Intraductal Lesions under the guidance of mammography image locating technology

  4. 目的探讨柯萨奇B2病毒(CVB2)在低硒足蛋白条件下对乳鼠心肌损伤作用。

    Objective To study the characteristics of myocardium injury which is induced by coxsackievirus B2 ( CVB2 ) infection in the condition of selenium deficiency and adequate protein .

  5. 农村户养条件下四川乳肉兼用牛的繁殖性能研究

    The reproductive Performance of Sichuan Dairy-beef Dual-purpose Cattle under Farmer Household Raising

  6. 多数胶体在强光照射下呈乳浊状。

    Most colloid have a milky appearance under bright lights .

  7. 非体外循环下双侧乳内动脉Y型桥的冠状动脉旁路移植术125例

    Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting with only bilateral internal mammary artery composite Lima-Rima Y graft

  8. 定位针引导下的乳管内隆起样病变微创手术的价值

    The Value of Minimally Invasive Surgery of Intraductal Lesions under the Guidance of Breast Localization Needle

  9. 非体外循环下左乳内动脉序贯吻合的流量测定与临床应用

    Flow of sequential left internal mammary artery grafting in an off-pump coronary bypass graft and its clinical assessment

  10. 研究了在不同的保存温度条件下利用乳过氧化物酶体系保鲜生牛乳的效果。

    The effects of lactoperoxidase system on the fresh-keeping of the raw milk were studied under the condition of different temperatures .

  11. 宝宝吐出的奶呈豆腐脑状,这是奶蛋白在胃酸作用下形成乳块的结果。

    Baby spit milk curd was like , this is the role of milk protein in the acid formed in milk block results .

  12. 目的总结非体外循环下左侧乳内动脉及桡动脉Y型桥的冠状动脉旁路移植术的疗效及安全性。

    Objective To summarize the efficacy and security of off-pump Y-bridge coronary artery bypass grafting with left internal mammary artery and radial artery .

  13. 通过在室温23±2℃条件下添加乳杆菌、乳球菌和纤维素酶青贮黑麦草,以评价其单独或联合应用对黑麦草青贮发酵品质的影响。

    Ryegrass was ensiled at 23 ± 2 ℃ in greenhouse to evaluate the effects of lactobacillus , lactococcus and cellulose enzyme on fermentation quality .

  14. 实验表明:在不同影响因素下,乳胶粒的粒度与压敏胶粘接性能之间呈现出不同的变化关系。

    The results indicate that the different influence factors lead to the different relations between the particle size and distribution and adhesion performance of PSAs .

  15. 在技术的更新速度加快、日益复杂的大背景下,乳制品行业竞争也逐渐加剧。

    Under the background that the technology is updating acceleratory and becomes increasingly more complex , the competition of dairy industry is also becoming fiercer than ever .

  16. 这个新的报道首次揭示颅骨底部每个半球下视觉乳叶被彻底损害依旧可以盲视。

    The new report is the first to show it in a person whose visual lobes one in each hemisphere , under the skull at the back of the head were completely destroyed .

  17. 在模拟胃肠环境消化条件下LC-15发酵乳的ACE抑制活力从最初的85%下降到78%。

    The ACE-inhibitory activity of LC-15 cultured milk decreased from 85 % to 78 % under the condition of simulated gastrointestinal digestion .

  18. 选用11头初生重43.05±4.52kg的荷斯坦公犊牛,群养模式下,全乳饲喂生产小白牛肉,实验期120d。

    In the experiment , 11 Holstein bull calves ( birth weight 43.05 ± 4.52kg ) were fed with whole milk to produce white veal in group pen for 120 days .

  19. 发酵液的离心分离在转速28000rad/min,流量15L/h的条件下进行,乳链菌肽收率可达到90%以上。

    Under rev 28000rad / min and flux 15L / h , Yield of centrifugal separation reached to 90 % .

  20. 化学灌浆或夹层防火玻璃在紫外线照射下容易变成乳白色及产生汽泡,失去了玻璃基本的通透功能。

    Chemical grouted or sandwich flameproof glass are easy to become milky white and produces air bulbs and loose basic transparency of glass .

  21. 在最优试验条件下所获乳白胶具有耐水、耐寒、胶液稳定、抗剪强度高等特点。

    The milk-white glue which was gained under the best operation conditions has characteristics of water resistance , freeze resistance , stability and shear strength .

  22. 电子显微镜下:正常乳鼠肝细胞形态正常,内嵴清楚,胞质中可见糖原颗粒,线粒体完整可见。

    Morphology of normal neonatal rat liver cells is normal in electron microscope , and cristae clear , has glycogen granules in the cytoplasm , complete mitochondria can be seen .

  23. 结合第三章的分析,发现合同模式的合同稳定性低于合作社模式的合同稳定性,因而合同模式下的原料乳质量低于合作社模式下的原料乳质量。

    With the analysis of Chapter ⅲ, we found that the stability of the contract model is lower than the cooperative model contract . So the quality of raw milk under the contract model is lower than that under the cooperative model .

  24. 淀粉酶活性在50℃,pH6.0条件下最高.保加利亚乳杆菌β-半乳糖苷酶高产株的筛选

    Selection of high activity β - galactosidase bulgaricus Lactobacillus

  25. 在水田、旱田栽培条件下,考查了乳熟期DH系及其亲本的茎基粗、茎秆长及茎秆强度等性状。

    Three culm traits , basal culm thickness ( BCT ), culm length ( CL ) and culm strength ( CS ), of DH lines and their parents under upland and lowland ecosystems at milk stage were studied .

  26. 真空包装条件下不同水分含量乳扇的品质变化

    Camel Milk Quality change of vacuum-packaged dairy fan with different water content

  27. 乳管镜下浆细胞性乳管炎的分型及临床研究

    Classification and clinical study of plasma cell mastitis under breast duct endoscope

  28. 乳腔镜下乳腺癌保乳根治术的护理配合早期乳腺癌改良根治术与保乳手术的疗效观察

    Nursing coordination on breast cancer patients undergoing breast reservation radical correction under breast-cavity endoscope

  29. 简述了在低温快烧条件下制备自生乳浊釉的研究思路、相关工作基础及实现的关键和难点。

    In this paper , the technique of preparation of spontaneous opaque glazes by fast firing at low temperature was discussed .

  30. 牛属于子叶型胎盘,这种胎盘的结构特点和饲养管理的不当,常常导致奶牛胎衣不下发生,给乳牛业的生产繁殖带来极大损失。

    The structure of placenta and unsuitable raising management often lead to retention of the afterbirth which it brings to the greatest loss of the reproduction of cow industry .