
  1. 表明风热、湿困、脾胃失调是荨麻疹的主要病机。

    The main pathogenesis is wind-heat , dampness encumbering the body and spleen and stomach disorder .

  2. 结合文献学研究结果,本文认为肥胖的主要病机可概括为脾胃失调导致痰湿。

    According to the results of literatures , the author think that the main pathogenesis of obesity is the disorder of spleen and stomach leading to phlegmatic hygrosis .

  3. 导师通过大量的临床观察发现,许多全身炎症反应综合征、脓毒症患者都存在着不同程度脾胃功能失调的表现。

    Instructors through a lot of clinical observation found that many patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome there is a different level of the weak performance of the spleen and stomach .

  4. 而病机方面,脾胃的升降失调可由多种因素导致,他脏可犯及脾胃,肝木乘土则更是普遍。

    The pathogenesis of movements disorders of the stomach by a variety of factors , his dirty criminals and stomach , the wood is to multiply the soil is even more common .