
  • 网络love;rove;ROLF;Lof
  1. F-K域三层对称模型洛夫型导波频散分析

    F-K dispersion analysis of Love guided waves in three layered symmetry model

  2. 由PREM地球模型计算的洛夫数

    Love numbers calculated with prem

  3. 你有吉尔∙洛夫西的消息吗?

    Do you know what happened to Gill Lovecy ?

  4. 洛夫洛克自成一套的特立独行可以追溯到他的童年时期。

    Lovelock 's principled nonconformity can be traced to his childhood .

  5. 洛夫洛克慢慢地拉杆减速,船稳了下来。

    Lovelock eased back the throttles and the ship steadied .

  6. 拜伦的女儿埃达,也就是洛夫莱斯伯爵夫人(CountessofLovelace),则比她父亲更有远见。

    Byron 's daughter Ada , Countess of Lovelace , was more prescient .

  7. Rooster编辑总监、小说家亚埃尔·戈尔茨坦-洛夫(YaelGoldsteinLove)说,Rooster的做法是为了让开始读一本书的念头更有吸引力。

    Rooster 's approach is designed to make the thought of starting a book more appealing , says Yael Goldstein Love , Rooster 's editorial director and a novelist .

  8. 在测站位移的计算中,规范引入了3阶洛夫数,计及地幔的滞弹性,引入了计算冰后期回弹的ICE-4G模型,列出了改正VLBI观测中天线形变改正的公式。

    In the calculation of site displacement , 3-degree Love numbers are introduced , the viscosity of the earth mantle is considered , the ICE-4G model of postglacial rebound is applied , and the formulae of removing antenna deformation in VLBI observations are given .

  9. 另一个增强体力的因素是肺。根据纽约州奥尔巴尼医学院(AlbanyMedicalCollege)医学助理教授鲍里斯•美达洛夫(BorisMedarov)牵头的针对4756名病人进行的一项研究,肺在下午五点时的效率比中午时分要高17.6%。

    Another boost for physical strength comes from the lungs , which function 17.6 % more efficiently at 5 p.m. than at midday , according to a study of 4756 patients led by Boris Medarov , an assistant professor of medicine at Albany Medical College in New York .

  10. 今年,透过俄罗斯亿万富翁德米特里·E·雷博洛夫列夫(DmitryE.Rybolovlev)和瑞士商人兼交易商伊夫·布维耶(YvesBouvier)之间的一系列法律纠纷,圈外人看到了艺术界顶层的黑暗。

    This year , outsiders have been given a peek into the murk at the top of the art world courtesy of the continuing legal dispute between the Russian billionaire Dmitry E. Rybolovlev and the Swiss businessman and dealer Yves Bouvier .

  11. 商人德米特里·E·雷博洛夫列夫(DmitryE.Rybolovlev)拥有一批世界上最为值钱的艺术品。上周接受采访时,他说,2013年,他秉承诚信原则买下这两幅画,完全不知道归属权有问题。

    The businessman , Dmitry E. Rybolovlev , owner of one of the world 's most valuable art collections , said in an interview last week that he bought the works in good faith in 2013 , without any hint that there was a question about their title .

  12. 哈利波特的铁杆粉丝应该知道,我非常喜欢这个人物,甚至让他的孙子罗尔夫(Rolf)这也是我在哈利•波特系列中喜欢的角色之一娶了卢娜•洛夫古德(LunaLovegood)。

    As hard-core Harry Potter fans will know , I liked him so much that I even married his grandson , Rolf , to one of my favourite characters from the Harry Potter series , Luna Lovegood .

  13. 洛夫在他太太离开他后真的发神经了。

    Ralph really lost his mind after his wife left him .

  14. 液饱和多孔固体层中的洛夫型波

    Love type Waves in a Liquid saturated Porous Solid Layer

  15. “后来我就变成枯燥乏味的了,”巴扎洛夫插嘴说。

    And then I grew stale , put in bazarov .

  16. 洛夫乔伊,居无定所,被控谋杀。

    Lovejoy , of no fixed abode , was charged with murder .

  17. 诗禅互动的审美效应&论洛夫的禅诗

    The Aesthetic Effect of Poem-Zen Interaction in Luo Fu 's Zen Poems

  18. 糖尿病人心率变异的李雅普洛夫指数的计算

    Analysis of Lyapunov Exponents of Heart Rate Variability in Diabetics

  19. 洛夫格罗夫不是从头开始设计的。

    Mr Lovegrove did not start the design from scratch .

  20. 戈尔茨坦-洛夫说:你可以大篇幅阅读。

    ' You can binge read , ' Ms. Goldstein Love says .

  21. 当洛夫乔伊跑出来想要把他们赶走时,有人对他开枪了。

    When Lovejoy ran out to push them away , someone shot him .

  22. 洛夫现代诗的中西视野融合

    The Fusion of Chinese Literature and Western Literature in Luo Fu 's Poems

  23. 你好,雅斯洛夫。我希望我和卡蒂娅没有打扰你们吧?

    Hello , Jarslov . I hope Katia and I are not intruding ?

  24. 洛夫的诗路历程对现代汉诗的启示

    Lo Fu ' Course of Writing Poems : an Inspiration to Modern Chinese Poets

  25. 洛夫特上尉既刻带上了武器。

    Captain loft put his equipment on rapidly .

  26. 洛夫特是刚强冷酷而又遵守军纪的。她们仍旧倔强冷静,坐着不动。

    Loft was rigid and cold and military . They remained stolid and motionless .

  27. 刚开始洛夫和盖比是一对儿。

    First , Rolf and Gabi were together .

  28. 20年过去了,约翰?洛夫在47岁时就过早地去世了。

    Twenty years slipped by and John love died at the early age of47 .

  29. 我再次问到:“我从洛夫祖先那里继承了什么呢?”

    Once again , I questioned ," What did I inherit from my Love ancestors ?"

  30. 我想就洛夫莱斯夫人的第一个问题说上几句。

    If I could just comment on miss lovelace 's first point for a moment .