
  • 网络Granby;Granby, CO
  1. 有传闻说她将嫁给格兰比。

    Gossip had it that she would marry granby .

  2. 格兰比勋爵,英国数一数二最宏伟豪华房屋的继承人。

    Lord granby , heir to one of the most magnificent houses in britain .

  3. 格兰比地区的居民一直在争取保留自己的房产,如今市政议会已经同意将这些房屋卖给有翻修能力的当地购房者。

    Residents in the Granby area fought to save the properties and now the city council has agreed to sell them to locals who will be able to revamp them .

  4. 罗莎蒙特·奥利弗小姐已经和一位格兰比先生订婚,据她父亲说,是个很匹配的年轻人。他表情很平静。我意识到他已克服了他所说的所谓的弱点。

    ' Rosamund Oliver is engaged to a Mr Granby , a very suitable young man , according to her father . 'His face was calm . I realized he had managed to overcome what he called his weakness .