
  • 网络green bay
  1. 美国威斯康星州东部格林湾上的城市,格林湾为密歇根湖的一狭长港湾。

    A city of eastern Wisconsin on Green Bay , an arm of Lake Michigan .

  2. 美国橄榄球联盟最新消息,西雅图海鹰以14比12击败格林湾包装工队。

    The NFL is holding the Seattle Seahawks '14-12 win over the Green Bay Packers .

  3. 阿普尔顿:美国威斯康星州东部一城市,位于格林湾西南福克斯河岸。

    Appleton : a city of eastern Wisconsin on the Fox River southwest of Green Bay .

  4. 一辆轿车与校车在威斯康星州的格林湾相撞,轿车司机死亡,14人受伤。

    A car passenger was killed and 14 peoplewere injured when the car collided with the school bus near Green Bay , Wisconsin .

  5. 住在威斯康辛州格林湾的居民们日前表示,他们撞见了看起来使人心神不宁的小丑,这只小丑于晚间挥舞着黑色的气球在镇上闲逛。

    People living in Green Bay , Wisconsin , have been reporting sightings of an unsettling-looking clown walking around town at night brandishing black balloons .

  6. 以前住在格林湾南部的威斯康星州的说苏族语的民族的人;梅诺米尼人的结盟者,福克斯族和索克族的敌人。

    A member of the Siouan-speaking people formerly living in E Wisconsin south of green bay ; ally of the Menomini and enemy of the fox and Sauk people .