
  1. 能解释为什么宗教虔诚者生活质量更高的不是精神契约而是社会联系。

    Social bonding rather than spiritual engagement may explain why the pious report higher quality of life .

  2. 第一位法国国王路易斯一世在778年至840年执政,他又被称为“虔诚者路易”。

    The first French king Louis I , known as ' Louis the Pious ' , reigned between 778 and 840 .

  3. 20世纪中期以后,国外学术界开始对虔诚者路易重新审视和研究,并取得诸多成就。

    After the mid-20th century , Western circles began to re-examine and research Louis the Pious , and also achieved many successes .

  4. 一年到头不仅佛教虔诚者络绎于途,旅游者亦纷至沓来。

    The island has become an attraction not only to devout believers in Buddhism but also to tourists both Chinese and foreign .

  5. 国际虔诚社会主义者同盟

    International League of Religious Socialists

  6. 据日本国家旅游局统计,每年,约有30万人跟随几世纪前虔诚朝圣者的脚步爬上富士山,登山时间大多集中在短暂的夏季。

    About 300,000 people follow religious pilgrims of centuries past in climbing Mount Fuji each year , according to the Japan National Tourism Organization , most of them crowding into a brief summer climbing season .

  7. 行走在茶马古道上,你或许能够看到一些去往圣城拉萨的虔诚朝圣者,他们在崎岖不平的路上行走,步行缓慢,有的甚至屈膝爬行,磕着头前往圣地。

    Walking the tea-horse ancient road might allow one to see reverent pilgrims heading to holy city Lhasa . They walk slowly along the rugged road , some of them even crawling , butting heads as they move toward their sacred destination .

  8. 这是印度最大的清真寺,到处都是虔诚的膜拜者。

    This is Jama Masjid , the largest mosque of India .

  9. 他俩都是虔诚的素食者。

    They are both dedicated vegetarians .

  10. 我慢慢走进这颗枫树,就像虔诚的朝圣者走向圣殿。我发现靠近树梢的地方有几根光秃秃的枝桠,上面黑乎乎的小枝像魔爪一半伸向天空。

    Edging closer-like a pilgrim approaching a shrine-I noticed several bare branches near the top , their black twigs scratching the air like claws .

  11. 在大约1800种螳螂中,大多将他们的时间花在静坐和等待中,看起来犹如虔诚的祈祷者,常被称为“祈祷螳螂”。

    Photograph by Mark Moffett Most of the roughly 1800 species of mantids-often called praying mantises-spend their time sitting and waiting , seemingly at prayer .

  12. 在宗教的起源和发展中,女性始终既是宗教积极的支持者和虔诚的信仰者,也是宗教得以发展的推动者。

    In the origin and the development of the religions , females always are positive supporters , pious believers , also the promoters developing the religions .

  13. 初一瞥,从盆骨到前脚,从手指到爪子,它身上几乎每一个部位都像是来自不同的恐龙。尽管与恐怖的霸王龙是近亲,但Chilesaurus恐龙却是虔诚的素食者。

    From its pelvis to its limbs , from its fingers to its claws , almost every body part could have , at a glance , come from a separate dinosaur.And even though it 's closely related to the fearsome T. rex , the Chilesaurus was a devout vegetarian .

  14. 格雷戈里等研究人员认为,虔诚的创世论者不约而同地利用“垃圾DNA”观念中的最新变化,这绝非偶然,他们这是试图让时间倒退回达尔文时代之前。

    It 's no coincidence , researchers like Gregory argue , that bona fide creationists have used recent changes in the thinking about junk DNA to try to turn back the clock to the days before Darwin .

  15. 你不必是虔诚的宗教信仰者便能认识到这是一个好建议。

    You don 't have to be religious to realize that this is good advice .

  16. 我亲眼看到他们都是虔诚的印度教信仰者。

    I saw with my own eyes that people there are devout believers of Indian Religion .

  17. 虔诚的写实主义守护者&卢西恩·弗洛伊德

    Realism Devout Guardian-Lucian Freud

  18. 受此影响,在大学校园里不仅出现了大批宗教观望者、宗教文化追随者,而且部分大学生已经成了虔诚的宗教信仰者。

    Influenced by it , in the university campus , a large number of " hope religion " and religious culture followers appear . Some students become devout religious believers .

  19. 制片人沙马这样介绍他的电影:《吉海德的爱》目的是努力让这个社会去感受那些同样虔诚的穆斯林同性恋者,他们所承受的与自己性倾向抗争的精神压力。

    Filmmaker Parvez Sharma says his film " A Jihad For Love " is an effort to shed light on the social and spiritual struggle of homosexuals who are devout Muslims .