
rì běn yǔ
  • Japanese
  1. 把日本语和日本文化还原为一种本质是不可能的。

    Japanese culture and art cannot be reduced to one essence .

  2. 北海道方言相似于标准日本语的历史因素

    The Historical Roots the Similarity Between the Hokkaido Dialect and Standard Japanese

  3. 旅游日语与敬语服务略论公务日本语

    Japanese for Tourism and Service with Honorific Language

  4. 图像和伴音信号处理日本语五十音图,假名表

    Vision and sound signal processing the Japanese syllabary

  5. 由于懂日本语和朝鲜语,她工作得很出色。

    With Japanese and Korean at her command , she 's perfect for the job .

  6. 这里有说日本语的医生吗?

    Is there a Japanese-speaking doctor here ?

  7. 论日本语中的汉语词汇

    On the Chinese vocabularies of Japanese

  8. 关于日本语中的否定表达

    On Japanese Negative Expression

  9. 琉球岛人的语言(和日本语有亲缘关系)。

    The language ( related to Japanese ) that is spoken by the people of the Ryukyu Islands .

  10. 他没有说一个日本语的字,而且他总是用西西里语尖叫和诅咒。

    He didn 't speak a word of Japanese and he was always shrieking and cursing in Sicilian .

  11. 一部颇具特色的日语词汇学习手册&《日本语常用词汇分级精解》评介

    A Special Handbook for Japanese Word Study & A review of Graded Common Words of Japanese with Explanations

  12. 日本语教学楼,日本艺术科技中心,克拉科夫,波兰

    The Japanese language school at the center of Japanese art and technology center , krak ó w , poland

  13. 本校的日本语科是为外国人升入大学,研究生院所进行的教育。

    In Japanese language course , our teaching method prepares foreign students to enter university , graduate school and college .

  14. 日本语用论学会第十届年会暨十周年纪念国际研讨会近日落下帷幕。

    This article is a comprehensive review of the recent10th annual meeting of Japan Society of Pragmatics ( JSP ) .

  15. 日本语外来语中部分新增计算机专业词汇计算机专业词汇手语手势的表达设想

    Some New Words Used in Computer Technology In Japanese Loan Lexes Research on sign language expression of special computer terms

  16. 在第三章,从日本语教育史的观点来挖掘在〈宵月〉里隐藏著的问题。

    This chapter excavates the question of what has been hidden in from the viewpoint of Japanese Language Education History .

  17. 在人称表达方面由于日本语具其各种特性,省略掉人称主语及定语的表达较为常见。

    Japanese person references have their various features , and it is common that person subject and the attributive are omitted .

  18. 由汉字和假名为主组成的日本语,加快了日本的文明进程。

    Thus written Japanese , mainly composed of Chinese characters and Kana , has greatly quickened the evolution of Japanese civilization .

  19. 日本语的使用除日常会话外,还表现为在汉语言文字中大量使用日本语汉字词汇。

    Besides ordinary conversation , the use of Japanese also displayed for massively using Japanese Chinese character vocabulary in Chinese word writing .

  20. 日本语言的内在文化性、外在文化性及日本语独特的语言风格和语言文化思想根源是构建日本语言文化体系研究的基本内容。

    The basic content in constructing Japanese lingual-culture system is its internal and external culture , its unique language style and ideological sources .

  21. 应聘者最好具有博士学位或在日本文学方面,或把日本语作为一门外语教学方面具有同样的专长。

    Preference will be given to candidates with a PhD or equivalent expertise in Japanese literature or teaching Japanese as a foreign language .

  22. 随后在IT业负责的同伴,为我日本语博客工作的朋友拒尽在博客贴出文章或者转进认购款项。

    Then the company in charge of IT for my Japanese language subscription blog refused to put up the blog or pass on subscription payments .

  23. 全文检索支持非常棒,路线图的目标是使其支持日本语、阿拉伯语和俄语。

    The full text search support is nice , the goal on the roadmap is to have it also support Japanese , Arabic , and Russian .

  24. 现代日本语中男性与女性在用语上存在着极具特色的显著差异,这是日本语有别于很多国家语言体系的一个重要特征。

    The difference between men 's and women 's wordings is an extremely notable feature of modern Japanese , different from those of many other countries .

  25. 要有较好的日本语的表达,不仅日语句的结构要符合一般的语法规律,表达形式上也要做到简练扼要。

    Good Japanese expressions not only comply with the general laws of grammar in the syntactical structure , they should also be concise and brief in form .

  26. 日本帝国主义在侵略和殖民统治内蒙古西部时期,采取强制手段,在学校教育中全面普及日本语教育。

    Japanese imperialists and colonizers took coercive measures during its reign in the western part of Inner Mongolia to spread education of the Japanese language in school education .

  27. 日本语和其它语言进行比较,与它有对应性的语言几乎没有,同语的源头一直是争论的焦点。

    When Japanese is compared with other languages , there seems to be almost no correspondence , and the roots of Japanese continue to be a focus of debate .

  28. 日本强制推行日本语教育的做法,带有浓厚的奴化色彩,为侵略战争和殖民统治服务,属于文化侵略活动。

    The coercive enforcement of Japanese education was a kind of enslavement education and served the Japanese invasion war and colonial rule , and therefore , it is in nature cultural invasion .

  29. 日伪时期,日本在内蒙古西部不仅强制推行日本语教育,而且在社会中大量使用日本语。日本语的使用除日常会话外,还表现为在汉语言文字中大量使用日本语汉字词汇。

    In the period when Japan aggressed China , in the west of Inner Mongolia Japan not only carried out Japanese education with force , but also massively used Japanese in the society .

  30. 为了加强日本语教育,日本侵略者采取了许多措施,如成立蒙疆日本语普及协会,开办日本语学校,对教师实行审定和开办训练所,实行语学审定考试制度等。

    In order to strengthen Japanese education , the invaders set up Japanese Popularization Association of the Mongolian Territory , opened up Japanese schools , examined and trained teachers and set up language learning examination systems .