
  • 网络orientation degree;orientation;the degree of orientation
  1. 采用x射线衍射测定了薄膜相组分、择优取向度;

    The phase formation and degree of orientation were investigated by x_ray diffraction ( XRD ) .

  2. 本文首次报道了芳香聚酰胺纤维(PPTA)非晶区取向度的定量研究结果。

    The results of study on the degree of orientation in amorphous region of PPTA fiber are reported .

  3. PET薄膜取向度及陷阱深度的研究

    Studies on Plannar Orientation and Trap Depth of PET Film

  4. 它的技术含量高,作用大,是制取高强度、高取向度、致密化和细特化PAN原丝的必备装置。

    It has excellent tensile strength and high degree of orientation .

  5. 一种用X-衍射测定PET纤维非晶取向度的简易方法

    A Simple Method for Determining PET Fiber 's Orientation Factor of Amorphous Region with WAXD

  6. 本文引入了一种软X射线示踪纤维摄影法来检测非织造布纤维网的取向度。

    An approach called X-ray tracing fibre photography has been developed to measure the fibre orientation in nonwoven fabrics .

  7. 射频溅射ZnO压电薄膜择优取向度和离散因子的X射线测定法

    X-ray determination of preferred orientation degree and deviation factor of ZnO Piezoelectric film formed by RF sputtering

  8. PET纤维随着拉伸倍数的提高,其取向度和结晶度都相应提高。

    The orientation de - gree and crystallinity of PET fiber were increased with the draw ratio .

  9. PAN基炭纤维中石墨微晶的取向度及其与抗拉模量的关系

    Orientation Degree of Graphite Crystallite in PAN-based Carbon Fiber and Its Relation to Tension Modulus

  10. 利用X射线衍射分析方法,对湿压磁场成型的永磁铁氧体生坯晶体取向度进行了研究。

    Degree of preferred orientation of hard Sr ferrite compacts molded with magnetic field was studied by X ray diffraction analysis .

  11. 高取向度PZT铁电薄膜的研制

    Synthesis of Highly Oriented PZT Ferroelectric Thin Film

  12. 得出了一种取向度计算方法,该方法得出的取向度值与X射线衍射谱所反映的取向情况比较相符。

    A method calculating alignment degree has been gained , the results achieved by which agrees with the alignment reflected by X-ray diffraction patterns .

  13. 采用声速仪及X射线衍射仪对不同牵伸倍数和不同预氧化程度的PAN纤维进行取向度和预氧化程度的测试,并将其结果进行对比。

    PAN fibers with different drawing ratio and different preoxidation degree were investigated by means of sound velocimeter and X-ray diffraction meter .

  14. X射线衍射测试表明HD磁体易磁化轴的取向度较低。

    X ray diffraction ( XRD ) analysis reveals that degree of easy axis alignment of HD magnet is lower .

  15. 衬底材料对Bi4Ti3O(12)薄膜取向度的影响

    The Effect of Substrate Materials on Orientation Degree of Bismuth Titanate Thin Films

  16. 但是,退火热处理后,A和B试样片晶的厚度有所增加,而取向度有所提高;同样,C试样品体的尺寸也有所增加。

    However , annealing could improve the orientation and thickness of lamellae structure in samples A and B. Similarly , the size of crystal in sample C also increased . 5 .

  17. 取向度对Nd-Fe-B磁体磁性能均匀性的影响

    Effect of Orientation Degree on Magnetic Homogeneity of Nd-Fe-B Magnets

  18. LLDPE单丝取向度和拉伸强度关系的研究

    Study on the relationship between orientation degree of LLDPE monofilament and its tensile strength

  19. XRD,TEM和SEM的分析表明,淀积的ZnO薄膜的晶粒尺寸为nm量级,致密而又平滑,具有良好的C轴取向度。

    The XRD , TEM , SEM analyses indicated that the deposited ZnO films were nanometre size , smoothness and dense with high c-axis orientation .

  20. 介绍了用X射线衍射法测定结晶聚合物材料取向度定义,单轴和双轴取向及其计算方法。

    In this review methods of determining polymer orientation using X-ray diffraction are described . It includes uniaxial and biaxial orientation , as well as their calculating methods .

  21. 烧结Nd-Fe-B取向度的研究

    Study on Alignment Degree of Sintered Nd-Fe-B Magnets

  22. X衍射结果说明提高专用口模螺杆转速对含1%Ti仇PET晶体沿靠近表面平面上的取向度影响不明显;

    WAXD results showed that the increase of screw rotating speed had a little effect on improvement of the crystal orientation along the surface of PET sheet containing !

  23. 液相烧结对Nd-Fe-B粉末压坯及磁体取向度的影响

    Influence of Liquid Sintering on Alignment Degree of Nd-Fe - B Green Compact and Magnets

  24. 三级拉伸工艺中各拉伸比的提高均有利于PAN纤维线密度的减小及其强度、声速取向度和抗张模量的提高;

    The increase of draw ratios in three-stage drawing process decrease the linear density of PAN fiber and improve the strength , sonic orientation and tensile modulus .

  25. 利用具有不同孔径的同一喷丝板生产不同线密度和取向度的涤纶POY。

    PET POY with different linear density and orientation can be produced with the same spinneret .

  26. 用偏振荧光法测定陆地棉纤维中非晶区物质的取向度f为0.2左右.在荧光剂浓度为0.01%条件下,浸渍时间至少需要48h。

    The degree or orientation f of up - land cotton by fluorescence mothod is about 0.2 . In the case of 0.01 % fluorescent molecular solution , the least soaking time is 48h .

  27. 烧结过程、粉末粒度及有效稀土含量对Nd-Fe-B永磁材料取向度的影响

    Effects of Sintering , Average Powder Size and Effective Total Rare Earth Content on the Alignment Degree of Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnetic Materials

  28. 对薄膜的XRD分析表明随热处理温度的增加,c轴取向度增大,并且薄膜的晶粒尺寸在300°C~500°C范围内增幅较大。

    XRD indicated that the film c axis orientation and grain size of films were increased with heat treatment temperature . The scope of increase of grain size is larger in the range of 300 ° C ~ 500 ° C.

  29. 通过X射线衍射和双折射分析,含氟单体接枝真丝并不直接影响真丝的结晶区,但引起真丝大分子平均取向度的下降。

    X-ray diffraction patterns and Birefringence (△ n ) of silk fibers suggested that the grafting of fluoride monomers does not affect directly the crystalline regions , but causes a decrease of macro-molecular average orientation in the amorphous regions .

  30. 纯PET纤维的声速取向度最高,随着PEG分子量与含量的增加,取向因子都有所降低,纤维的模量呈现出与取向度相同的趋势。

    The orientation degree of pure PET was the highest . The orientation index decreased as the PEG content and molecular weight increased . The fiber modulus showed the same trend with the orientation degree .