
  • 网络jute fiber
  1. 掺入黄麻纤维的砂浆与素砂浆相比其劈拉强度有10%-15%的提高。

    Contrast with mortar , the splitting tensile of jute reinforced mortar increase 10 to 15 percents .

  2. 选择含有纤维素酶、半纤维素酶、木质素酶和果胶解聚酶等成分的酶对黄麻纤维进行处理,并用偏光显微镜、荧光显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、万能电子强力机等仪器设备进行了测试分析。

    Enzymatic treatment on jute by using enzymes which contain cellulose , hemicellulose , pectinase and laccase has been made , and the jute after treatment has been investigated by using a polarized optical microscope , a fluorescence microscope , a scanning electron microscope and instron tensile tester .

  3. 提出了一种新的纤维表面处理方法和工艺,将MPP乳液引入黄麻纤维的表面处理。

    A new method of pretreatment of jute fiber is put forward , where MPP emulsion was used in the pretreatment .

  4. 采用硅烷KH550溶液对黄麻纤维进行表面硅烷化。

    Silane solution was used to treat with the surface of jute fiber .

  5. 黄麻纤维的性能及服用织物开发前景

    Jute Fiber ′ s Properties and Weaving Product ′ s Development

  6. 黄麻纤维的形态结构及组分研究现状

    Investigation on the Morphology , Microstructure and Chemical Component of Jute Fiber

  7. 红黄麻纤维化学改性及纺麻棉混纺纱

    Study on chemical modification of kenaf fiber and mixed blending with cotton

  8. 酶处理对黄麻纤维性能的影响

    Impact of enzymes function on properties of jute fibers

  9. 黄麻纤维增强聚合物复合材料工艺与性能研究

    Study of processing and properties of jute fiber reinforced polymer matrix composite materials

  10. 黄麻纤维增强硬质聚氨酯泡沫工艺与性能研究

    Research of Processing and Properties of Rigid Polyurethane Foam Reinforced with Jute Fiber

  11. 说明基于本文试验方法黄麻纤维在砂浆中是三维随机分布的。

    It shows that jute fibers distribute three dimensions randomly in the mortar .

  12. 黄麻纤维产量、品质与解剖性状的遗传关系

    The Genetic Relationship Between Anatomical Characters and Fibre Yield and Quality in Jute

  13. 黄麻纤维增强聚丙烯的力学性能

    Mechanical behaviors of jute fiber reinforced polypropylene composite

  14. 文章介绍了黄麻纤维的性能,并阐述了黄麻服用织物的发展前景。

    The paper introduced the properties and elaborated the development prospect of jute fiber .

  15. 黄麻纤维对消失模铸造涂料透气性和强度的影响

    Effect of Jute Fiber on Permeability and Strength of Coatings for Lost Foam Casting

  16. 那是一家巴基斯坦的黄麻纤维制造厂。

    That is a jute mills of Pakistan .

  17. 仿生哑铃型黄麻纤维增强摩擦材料

    Friction Material Reinforced with Biomimetic Dumbbell-shaped Jute Fibers

  18. 黄麻纤维毡的表面处理及其增强聚丙烯复合材料的力学性能

    Pretreatment of jute fiber and the mechanical properties of jute fiber mat reinforced polypropylene

  19. 精细化黄麻纤维制备、纺纱技术及力学性能研究

    Investigation on Chemical-enzyme Modification and Yarn Spinning Technology of Jute Fibres for Textile Use

  20. 描述了黄麻纤维的特性。

    The characteristics of jute fiber are described .

  21. 文章研究了预处理助剂对黄麻纤维性能的影响。

    The effect of slenderizing pretreatment of the jute on its properties was researched .

  22. 黄麻纤维的柔性处理

    Research on flexible treatment of jute fiber

  23. 黄麻纤维增强复合材料的耐热性随纤维含量增加而递增。

    The temperature resistance of jute fiber reinforced polypropylene composite increase with increasing fiber content .

  24. 对黄麻纤维的应用和存在的问题进行了简要的说明和分析。

    Finally , the applications and the unsolved problems about jute fiber were illuminated and analyzed .

  25. 对黄麻纤维混凝土相关性能的继续研究作了展望。

    Some suggestions are put forward for future research of correlative properties of jute fiber reinforced concrete .

  26. 对菠萝(凤梨)叶纤维的化学成分、物理机械性能以及微细结构等作了测试分析,并与类似的亚麻、黄麻纤维作了对比分析。

    The components , mechanical , physical and structural properties of pineapple fiber are tested and analysed .

  27. 本文讨论了注塑成型黄麻纤维增强聚丙烯的制备方法和力学性能。

    In this paper mechanical behaviors of jute fiber reinforced polypropylene composite prepared by injection molding are studied .

  28. 研究了苎麻落麻纤维的基本性能,及其增强酚醛树脂、环氧树脂、不饱和聚酯树脂复合材料的制备工艺和力学性能,并与黄麻纤维布复合材料和玻璃布复合材料性能进行了比较。

    The fundamental performance of dropping ramie fiber , the processing and mechanical properties of its composite materials are studied .

  29. 黄麻纤维掺入聚丙烯导致黄麻纤维增强聚丙烯试样的冲击韧性摘要与断裂韧性下降。

    The impact toughness and fracture toughness of the composite samples decrease after adding jute fibers when compared to pure polypropylene .

  30. 黄麻纤维品质优于红麻,但因其抗旱性不及红麻而极大地限制了黄麻生产。

    Jute fiber quality is better than kenaf , but its drought resistance is less than kenaf that limited jute production severely .