
  • 网络loess
  1. 辽宁棕黄土母质的特征及其成因初探

    Characteristics and Origin of Brown Loess in Liaoning Province

  2. 青海黄土母质发育的土壤对铬(III)吸附量的初步研究

    Preliminary studies of Cr ( III ) absorbing capacity in Qinghai soil of development from loess

  3. 北方不同作物对深层黄土母质生土的施肥反应

    The Reactions of Different Northern Crops to Fertilization on Deep Loess Parent Material Immature Soil

  4. 黄土母质褐土中钾的含量与土壤粒级的关系研究&以许昌褐土为例

    The Relation Between Potassium Contents and Particles of the Loess-Derived Cinnamon Soil & Taking Xuchang Cinnamon Soil for Example

  5. 晚更新世黄土母质发育土壤的磷含量普遍低于其它母质类型。

    Late Pleistocene loess parent material in soils of the phosphorus content is generally lower than in other types of parent material . 5 .

  6. 在红棕色粘黄土母质上发育的黄褐土和水稻土,粘粒矿物仍以水云母为主,但含有较多量的高岭石和蒙脱石;

    While the yellow cinnamon soil and paddy soil developed on red & brown clay loess are chiefly of hydromicas with more kaolinite and montmorillonite .

  7. 石灰性母质发育土壤C-O-S含量显著大于黄土母质发育的土壤。

    The contents of C O S in soils derived from calcareous parent material was significantly higher than that in soils from loess parent material .

  8. 盆栽试验结果表明:土娄土覆盖层和黄土母质层中新固定态铵的释放率分别为98.32%和95.09%

    The result of pot experiment displayed that the releasing ratio of the new fixed NH + 4 of overburden layer and loess parent material horizon in Lou soil was 98.32 % and 95.09 % respectively .

  9. 黄土母质发育的土壤有机质和全氮含量呈显著正相关,而矸石风化物有机质和速效钾含量呈显著负相关,有机质和其它的养分指标相关性不显著。

    There are evident correlation between organic matter and total N of soil developed from loess parent mateial , and evident ant - correlation between organic matter and rapidly available K of material weathered from gangue , but organic matter and other nutrient indexes are less evident correlated .

  10. 国道112线丰宁段处于半湿润半干旱的气候条件下,当地植被覆盖率低,土壤为黄土质母质,结构松散,黏结力差。

    Fengning line of the 112 national road , where the climate belongs to the semi humid and semiarid zone , the vegetation is lower and soil is porous because of its loess parent textile .

  11. 结果表明,黄土高原土壤中的大多数元素含量和黄土母质接近,且具有粒度相关型的地域分异规律。

    RESEARCH ON THE REGULARITY OF REGION DIFFERENCES The results showed that great majority of elements contents on the loess plateau approach to element in loess parent materials .