
xià shuǐ
  • be launched;enter the water;offal;viscera;take to evildoing;fall into evil ways
下水 [xià shuǐ]
  • (1) [enter the water]∶放水

  • (2) [launch]∶放入或滑入水中

  • 船下水

  • (3) [take to evildoing]∶比喻入伙做坏事

  • 她用色相拉他下水 xiàshui

  • (4) [offal;viscera]∶食用的牲畜内脏

  • 猪下水

下水[xià shuǐ]
  1. 现在,游客已被禁止下水。

    Today visitors are no longer allowed to enter the water .

  2. 各地下水中硫酸盐含量比较,深井水高于浅井水,浅井水高于泉水,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。

    Sulphate content is compared among all parts enter the water , that of the deep well water is higher than the shallow well water , that of the shallow well water is higher than the spring , the difference is statistical significant ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 海军今天有一艘新军舰要下水。

    The Navy is to launch a new warship today .

  4. 托尼自己盖了房子并铺设了下水管道。

    Tony built his own house and laid his own drains .

  5. 我们蹲在水池旁,看着潜水者慢慢沉下水。

    We squatted beside the pool and watched the diver sink slowly down

  6. 渡轮瞬间倾覆,根本没时间放救生艇下水。

    There was no time to launch the lifeboats because the ferry capsized with such alarming speed .

  7. 数以千计的人观看了轮船离港下水的情形。

    Thousands of people observed the ship leaving the harbour .

  8. 新船砍缆下水。

    The new ship cut her cable and slipped into the water .

  9. 这种布下水不缩。

    This cloth won 't shrink when it 's washed .

  10. 一艘新战舰从船坞下水。

    A new battleship was launched from a shipyard .

  11. 她经不起金钱的引诱,被拉下水了。

    She couldn 't withstand the lure of money and was dragged into the mire .

  12. 这艘船到4月份将建成下水。

    The ship will be completed for sea by april .

  13. 又一艘新船下水了。

    Another new ship was launched .

  14. 任凭江水冷得钻心,工人们仍然坚持下水操作。

    The workers still kept on working in the river even though the water was icy cold .

  15. 一星期后,再看一下水表,然后从第二次读数中减去第一次读数。

    A week later , read the water meter again and subtract the first reading from the second .

  16. 在某些水资源急缺的情况下,农民会破坏下水管道,运输废水到当地河流。

    In some cases , water is so scarce that farmers break open sewage pipes transporting waste to local rivers .

  17. 奥林匹克号于1910年首次起航,泰坦尼克号也于1911年第一次下水,最后不列颠号于1914年起航。

    The Olympic launched first in 1910 , followed by the Titanic in 1911 , and lastly the Britannic in 1914 .

  18. 但那条狗一直躲在够不着的地方,好像知道如果劳里把它拉下水,它们会淹死似的。

    But the dog stayed out of reach as if knowing of them would drown if Laurie pulled him under .

  19. 这个词是短语“tothrow(someone)underthebus”的简写形式,意为:将某人推下水,即为了个人利益牺牲或者背叛别人。这个短语至少在1991年时就开始使用了:

    This verb is a tidy shortening of the longer idiomatic phrase " to throw ( someone ) under the bus , " which has been in the language since at least 1991 :

  20. 普通狗粮的原料大多是动物下水,所以狗吃的通常是人类不要的肉类。

    Normal dog food is mostly offal , so dogs are typically eating meat that humans have rejected .

  21. 痂下水肿液内毒素含量和痂下组织细菌计数的对数值间存在着明显相关关系(P<0.05)。

    There was a significant relationship between the endotoxin level and the bacteria count ( P 0 05 ) .

  22. 集成ANSYS的船坞浮箱下水仿真系统

    Simulation System of Ship Launching on Dock Pontoon Integrated With ANSYS

  23. NaCl胁迫下水杨酸浸种对水稻幼苗生长的影响

    Effect of Seed Soaking in SA to Rice Seedling under NaCl Coercion

  24. 超重力环境下水耦合吸收NH3和CO2的研究

    Study of Simultaneous Absorption of CO_2 and NH_3 in Water under the High Gravity Environment

  25. 采用XRD分析了自燃煤矸石胶凝材料中活性Al2O3在不同因素影响下水化形成钙矾石的情况。

    The ettringite formation of active Al_2O_3 in the spontaneous combustion coal gangue cementitious material is analyzed by XRD .

  26. 两种肥力水平下水稻苗高QTL的比较分析

    Comparison of QTL for Seedling Height Identified under Two Fertilizer Levels in Rice

  27. PEG胁迫下水、陆稻幼苗生长势比较研究

    Comparison of Growing Tendency During Young Seedling Between Paddy Rice and Upland Rice Under PEG Water stress

  28. 两种供氮水平下水稻穗长QTLs的检测

    Detecting QTLs for Rice Panicle Length under Two Nitrogen Levels

  29. 采用ANSYS有限元软件详细地研究了强激光作用下水冷硅镜的沟槽结构对镜面温升和变形峰谷值的影响。

    The influence of the channel parameters of the water-cooled Si mirror on temperature and thermal deformation was simulated using ANSYS finite element analysis .

  30. 痂下水肿液(Subeschartissuefluid,STF)被认为是含有多种生物活性物质的生物库。

    Subeschar tissue fluid ( STF ) has been regarded as ' a bioactive bank ' full of many bioactive substances .