
  • 网络undergrowth;underwood;understory tree;Underroof
  1. 研究镧对酸雨(pH为4.5)胁迫下木麻黄幼苗早期生长和质膜离子泵ATP酶活性的影响。

    The response of the growth and the ion-pumping ATPases activities of plasma membrane ( PM ) vesicles isolated from Casuarina equisetifolia to lanthanum under artificial acid rain ( pH 4.5 ) were studied .

  2. 伐区下木资源数量的调查研究

    Study on the amount of understory resource of cutting area

  3. 不同海岸梯度下木麻黄防护林的光合作用研究

    The Photosynthesis of Casuarina Equisetifolia Plantation in Different Coastal Gradients

  4. 盐胁迫下木麻黄幼苗Na~+、Cl~-的累积及其抗盐能力评价

    Na ~ + and Cl ~ - accumulation and salt resistance of Casuarina equisetifolia seedlings under salt stress

  5. 下木层中含有全部调查到的种类和80%以上的个体;

    All the insect species found and 80 % of individuals were in the shrub and herb layer ;

  6. 我在想我们重新弄一下木地板,再把墙重刷一下。

    I thought we 'd just fix up the wood floor , and use some paint for the walls .

  7. 不同群落下木层I的物种多样性变化复杂,未体现出一定的规律。

    Species diversity of Undergrowth layer I among 12 vegetation communities are different , they have not manifested certain rules .

  8. 木麻黄根浸液作用下木麻黄苗木根和茎可溶性糖、还原糖和蔗糖质量分数增加。

    Whereas in the roots , leaves and stems , the content of soluble sugars , reducing sugars , and sucrose increased .

  9. 盐胁迫下木麻黄幼苗抗氧化酶活性的变化及Ca~(2+)对它的调控

    Changes in Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Casuarina equisetifolia Seedlings Under NaCl Stress and Ca ~ ( 2 + ) Regulation in Them

  10. 在西南高山林区,树种与下木对土壤形成有重要作用,主要成土过程为酸性淋溶与腐殖化过程。

    In the high-mountain forest region of Southwest China , the major soil forming processes are eluviation ( acid leaching ) and humification .

  11. 从桥下木棚四周的物品可以看出屋子的简陋,木板和用过的水瓶杂乱的分布在周围。

    Indeed , dotted around the shack built into the bridge are evidence of his shanty construction - wooden boards and used water bottles litter the area .

  12. 群落结构上可分为乔木层、下木层和草本层三个基本层次,以及层间植物,乔木层一般还可分为二个亚层。

    The vegetation stratification were divided into : tree layer , undergrowth layer , herbaceous layer and lianas , the tree layer could be divided into two sub-layer .

  13. 长期的火干扰影响下,下木层、草本层和下层总体的物种数、各类均匀度指数和物种多样性指数都呈现如下格局:高频类中频类低频类,低强类中强类高强类。

    Influenced by the long fire disturbance , almost all the biodiversity indices show the following sequence : high frequency middle frequency low frequency , low severity middle severity high severity .

  14. 在该液体发酵条件下木霉Th12菌株的菌丝体生物产量能达到最大值,为进一步研究和开发用于草坪病害防治的生防木霉菌制剂提供了理论和应用依据。

    Under the expected conditions the maximum mycelial yield was achieved . The research results provide a useful base for further application of the fungal strain in bio-control of turf grass diseases .

  15. 群落的结构是较复杂的,其中混有13个伴生树种,16个下木种,50多个活地被物种。

    Composition of this secondary forest is rather complex , it is a mixed forest of 13 tree species with 16 woody species as undergrowth and about 50 species of different plants as living growth cover .

  16. 研究结果表明,本区下层植物的物种数、均匀度指数和多样性指数都以下木层显著大于草本层,因而下木层对下层植物总体生物多样性的贡献最大,也是主要影响因子。

    In general , the shrub layer shows higher values in species diversity indices than the herbivore layer does , which means that the shrub layer plays a more significant role in the plant diversity of the underlayer vegetation .

  17. 火干扰对下木层、草本层和下层总体的物种丰富度和物种多样性有显著影响,而对均匀度的影响不显著。

    Based on the ANOVA , the influences of fire disturbance upon the species richness and species diversity of the shrub , herbivore and whole underlayer are very significant , however , the effects on the evenness indices are not obvious .

  18. 此外,分析了采伐方式、集材方式、林分郁闭度、枯落物厚度,土壤厚度,地形、下木及活地被物与华山松天然更新的关系,提出经营利用秦岭林区华山松林应注意的问题。

    The relationships between natural regeneration and cutting and skidding system , canopy closure , litter layer thickness , the depth of soil layers , topography , understorey or ground vegetation were analyzed . Considerations for the management and utilization of the forests were also suggested .