
  • Fertilization system;fertilizer regime
  1. 研究了在养分循环再利用的基础上采取不同施肥制度下作物养分移出量,并结合施肥量计算出土壤中N、P、K养分收支。

    The quantity of crop nutrients transferred from the system , and the nutrient budget of N , P and K in soil were studied .

  2. 由于多年来N肥持续大量施用以及不合理的农业耕种、施肥制度和管理措施,导致我国北方土壤酸化日趋严重。

    Due to long-term excessive N fertilizer application , unreasonable farming system and management measures , the soil acidification in north China was getting more severely .

  3. 土壤微生物量C、N、P与土壤酶活性在作物各生育期均表现为显著和极显著正相关关系,但与土壤碱解氮、有效磷的相关性受到施肥制度和作物生长的强烈影响。

    Soil microbial biomass had a significantly positive correlation with soil enzyme activities , but its correlation with soil hydrolysable N and available P was strongly affected by crop growth and fertilization system .

  4. 对真菌的DGGE图谱分析表明,不同施肥制度处理下土壤真菌群落结构有一定的变化。

    Different fertilizer treatments of soil fungal community structure had certain changes .

  5. 阐述了人为调控模式施肥制度,其MN可达到0.581,有机氮再循环系数(H)接近1。

    It is expounded that the MN will be able to reach 0.581 and the recycling coefficient of organic nitrogen ( H ) will be able to near 1 when fertilizer spreading system by artificial controlled is implemented .

  6. 通过15年的定位试验,研究了不同施肥制度下土壤K的收支及K在作物体内的分配。

    Through a consecutive 15 years field trial on the aquic brown soil in Shenyang suburb of Northeast China , this paper studied the soil potassium budget and crop potassium allocation under effects of different fertilization systems .

  7. 新疆灰漠土不同施肥制度的12年长期定位试验结果表明,N、NP、NK、NPK处理小麦某些品质指标较CK有不同程度的改善;

    The results of 12-year located fertilization in grey desert soil of Xinjiang showed that treatments of N , NP , NK , NPK could improve the grain quality in some indexes compared with CK .

  8. 采用室内恒温控湿好气培养试验研究长期不同施肥制度培育的土壤有机N库的供氮能力及不同C/N比有机物料掺混土壤后有机N的矿化特征与进程。

    A laboratory aerobic incubation test was conducted under constant temperature and moisture to study the nitrogen supply capacity of soil organic N pool of long-term different fertilizer systems and the mineralization character and process of organic N of soil and different C / N ratio organic materials .

  9. 长期不同施肥制度下黑土颗粒有机碳和酶活性的变化

    Particulate Organic Carbon and Enzyme Activities in Long-term Fertilized Black Soils

  10. 不同施肥制度下紫色土坡耕地氮素流失特征

    Nitrogen Loss from Slope Cropland of Purple Soil under Different Fertilization

  11. 不同施肥制度对稻田土壤微生物的影响研究

    Effect of fertilization systems on microbes in the paddy soil

  12. 不同施肥制度对作物产量及土壤磷素肥力的影响

    Effect of different fertilization systems on soil phosphorus fertility and crop yield

  13. 施肥制度改革对粮食生产发展贡献

    The contribution to grain-production development caused by the fertilizer-regulation reform

  14. 不同施肥制度下褐土结合态腐殖质动态变化

    Dynamic Change of Soil Combined Humus in Cinnamon Soil under Different Fertilizer Regimes

  15. 长期施肥制度对稻田土壤反硝化细菌群落活性和结构的影响

    Activity and composition of the denitrifying bacterial community respond differently to long-term fertilization

  16. 不同施肥制度土壤生物肥力特征研究

    Study on Soil Biological Fertility of Different Fertilization Systems

  17. 水稻蚕豆轮作条件下长期定位施肥制度对作物产量的影响

    Effects of Long-time Different Fertilization Systems on Crop Yield under Rice-faba Bean Rotation

  18. 不同施肥制度对大豆生育期土壤微生物量的影响

    Effect of Different Fertilizer Application Strategies on Soil Microbial Biomass During Soybean Growth Periods

  19. 长期定位不同施肥制度土壤功能衰退与修复研究

    Studies on Soil Function of Degradation and Restoration in Long-term Location Different Fertilization Systems

  20. 料慈竹施肥制度的研究

    Study on fertilizing system in Neosinocalamus affinis stand

  21. 长期不同施肥制度下土壤有机质质量动态变化规律

    Dynamic Change of Soil Organic Matter Quality as Affected by Different Long-term Fertilization Treatments

  22. 长期不同施肥制度对农田黑土有机质和氮素的影响

    Effect of Long-term Different Fertilizer Applications on Organic Matter and Nitrogen of Black Farmland

  23. 不同施肥制度对黄泥田土壤酶活性及养分的影响

    Effects of different fertilizer application strategies on nutrients and enzymatic activities in yellow clayey soil

  24. 我国目前有机蔬菜生产中,施肥制度及技术还不够成熟和完善。

    Currently , the technique of using manure to produce organic vegetable was not perfect .

  25. 不同农业施肥制度对红壤稻田土壤磷肥力的影响

    Effects of Different Fertilizer Application Systems on Phosphorus Fertility of Paddy Soil Derived from Red Soil

  26. 不同施肥制度下土壤有机质质量指标的动态变化可利用渐近函数模拟。

    Dynamic change of soil organic matter quality with different fertilization treatments showed an asymptotic curve .

  27. 不同施肥制度对红壤地区双季稻田氨挥发的影响

    Effects of Different Fertilization Systems on Ammonia Volatilization from Double-Rice Cropping Field in Red Soil Region

  28. 川中丘陵区施肥制度对夏玉米生物性状和产量的影响

    Effects of fertilization on growing and yield of maize in hilly area of the central Sichuan basin

  29. 研究了节水灌溉条件下、不同施肥制度水稻植株对磷的吸收状况。

    Phosphorus status in rice plant were studied under water saving irrigation and different fertilizer application systems .

  30. 不同施肥制度下红壤稻田的养分循环与平衡规律

    Nutrient Cycling and Balance of Paddy Fields in Different Fertilization Systems in Red Soil Region of Subtropical China