
  • 网络Degree of substitution;d.s.;M.S
  1. 用胶体滴定法测定了N上2-磺酸基苯甲基的取代度。

    Degree of substitution ( DS ) of N-2-sulfobenzyl was determined by colloid titration .

  2. 测定了产物的取代度、特性粘数、吸湿与保湿性,并用IR进行了结构表征。

    The degree of substitution and the intrinsic viscosity of the products were determined .

  3. 结果表明羧甲基壳聚糖的吸附能力受PH值的影响并且随着羧甲基取代度的增大而增大;

    The result showed that the adsorption capacity of carboxymethyl chitosan increased with the increase in its carboxyl groups .

  4. 通过邻苯二甲酸酐与壳聚糖在室温、均相条件下快速反应,制备一系列取代度不同的N–邻苯二甲酰化壳聚糖。

    A series of N – phthaloyl-chitosan with different degrees of substitution were synthesized rapidly in homogeneous solution at room temperature .

  5. 在较低pH时,高取代度的聚丙烯胺出现了单分子聚集的现象。

    At lower pH , the poly ( allylamine ) s with higher butylated degree have single molecular aggregation structure .

  6. 用FTIR测定邻苯二甲酰化壳聚糖的取代度

    Determination of Degree of Substitution for Phthaloyl Chitosan by FTIR

  7. 用FTIR测定羧酰化壳聚糖和氰乙基壳聚糖的取代度

    Determination of Degree of Substitution for Acylated Chitosan and Cyanoethyl Chitosan Using FTIR

  8. 结果表明:HP-β-CD浓度和缓冲溶液的pH是影响碱性药物对映体分离的重要因素,HP-β-CD的取代度和取代位置对分离有明显的影响。

    The results showed that both HP - β - CD concentration and buffer pH were the important factors influencing chiral separation .

  9. 通过单因素实验,首先确定出上述试验因素水平的上下限,然后以产物的取代度DS为试验指标,通过五因素二次正交旋转组合试验得出这五个因素与DS的关系表达式;

    By one-factor experiments , we can certain factors and range of level .

  10. 然后以初显分离时间和沉降率为量化指标,定量研究了低取代度阳离子淀粉的变性深度、混合比例及PVA分子结构对淀粉与PVA混合浆液的相分离行为的影响。

    The separation behaviour was quantitatively evaluated by initial demixing time and subsidence ratio .

  11. 取代度对CMC溶液性质及泥浆性能的影响

    Effect of degree of substitution on properties of CMC solution and cmc-mud

  12. 低取代度阳离子淀粉与PVA混合浆液的相分离行为研究

    Study on the Phase Separation Behaviour of the Mixed Pastes of Polyvinyl Alcohol-Low DS Cationic Cornstarch

  13. 以壳聚糖为原料,通过两段加碱法制备出取代度1.0以上的N,O-羧甲基壳聚糖,对其螯合Cu2+机理进行了研究;

    N , O ( Carboxymethyl ) chitosans with a degree of substitution ( DS ) above 1.0 were prepared by the two step alkali addition method .

  14. 结果表明,磷酸酯化能显著提高香芋淀粉与PVA的混溶性,并且随着取代度的增长,酯化淀粉与PVA的混溶性提高;

    The result shows that phosphate esterification can enhance the compatibility of taro starch and PVA evidently .

  15. 经臭氧微波处理后,制成的CMC的取代度及粘度明显提高。

    The ozone microwave , made of the DS and viscosity of CMC significantly increased .

  16. 以低取代度ACS和NCS为原料,分别对其进行加热形成淀粉糊。

    The low substituted ACS and NCS were heated to forming the starch gels .

  17. 高取代度阳离子淀粉对阔叶材BCTMP纸料中DCS的控制

    Application of highly substituted cationic starch on DCS controlling of hardwood BCTMP

  18. 食品配料中市售的主要类型是取代度0.7的CMC。

    The most widely sold type for use as a food ingredient has a DS of 0.7 .

  19. 考察了丁二酸酐用量、反应时间、反应温度、反应pH值对低取代度淀粉丁二酸酯取代度的影响。

    The effect of some factors such as reaction time , amount of succinic anhydride , reaction temperature and pH value on substitution degree of starch succinate was investigated .

  20. 从而系统研究了此合成新目标产品的结构表征、取代度、粘度、吸湿保湿性、抗菌性、PH稳定性和配伍性等性质。

    The structure , degree of substitution , conglutination , moisture absorption , moisture retention , antibacterial activity , PH stability and compatibility with surfactant of HA-CMCHS are studied .

  21. 过去,使用较多的是低取代度(DS≈0.02)的淀粉磷酸酯。

    SP with low degree of substitution ( DS )( DS ≠ 0.02 ) was usually applied in the past .

  22. 室温条件下从完全脱乙酰化壳聚糖出发合成了不同酰胺酸取代度的邻苯二甲酰化壳聚糖,并以此为标样,标样的取代度由X射线光电子能谱(XPS)确定。

    A series of phthaloyl chitosans ( PCS ) with different degree of substitution of amic acid were synthesized from completely deacetylated chitosan at room temperature .

  23. 结果表明:絮凝效果随着取代度升高而增强,随着浊液离子强度的升高而降低;在pH值为6时取得了最佳的絮凝效果。

    The results show that flocculation efficiency increases with increasing DS of starch carbamates , and decreases with the ionic strength . The best flocculation efficiency was achieved at pH 6 .

  24. 本文综述了果胶类化合物的甲酯化取代度的测定方法,包括比色、滴定、高效液相、气相、核磁共振、红外IR等方法。

    The methods for determinating degrees of pectins methylation were described , including colorimetric method , titration , GC , HPLC , NMR , IR and so on .

  25. 以取代度(DS)和表观粘度(η)来确定改进羧甲基化的条件。

    Using both degree of substitution ( DS ) and apparent viscosity (?) as evaluation indexes , the reaction conditions were determined .

  26. 结果表明,在所研究的糊料中只有取代度1.5以上高醚化度的纤维素衍生物FineGumHEL,NeedsGumDM才适用于活性染料印花。

    The result indicates that only cellulose derivatives Fine Gum HEL , Needs Gum DM which have DS over 1.5 are suitable for reactive dyes printing .

  27. 大多数羧甲基纤维素钠具有0.4~0.8的取代度(DS)。

    Most commercial sodium carboxymethylcellulose ( CMC ) products have a degree of substitution ( DS ) in the range 0.4 & 0.8 .

  28. CMC水溶液一般呈假塑性,其零剪切粘度随CMC分子量、取代度(DS)的升高而增加,但取代度对溶液流变性质的影响较小。

    CMC aqueous solution exhibits pseudoplastic behaviour . Zero-shear viscosity increases with the molar mass and degree of substitution ( DS ) .

  29. GMA-dex中GMA的取代度(DS)用核磁共振测定。

    The degree of GMA substitution ( DS ) was determined by ~ 1H-NMR .

  30. 结果表明,低取代度ACS可作为食品增稠剂用于食品工业中。

    The results showed that the low substituted ACS can be used as the food thickener in the food industry . 3 .