
  • 网络flavor;Flavoring;flavouring;Flavoring agent;Seasoning
  1. 事实上,一个FacesComponetLibrary项目仅仅是Web项目的一个调味剂,创建一个自定义组件就像开发一个常规的JSP。

    In fact , a Faces Componet Library project is just a flavor of a Web project , and a custom component is developed as a regular JSP .

  2. 在食品工业上,制作果酱、密饯、冰淇淋等柠檬酸广泛用调味剂和PH的缓冲剂。

    In the food industry , citric acid is widely as flavor agent and buffer of PH in making jam , candied fruit , ice cream , etc.

  3. 我们的产品不使用任何人工调味剂。

    We don 't use any artificial flavourings in our products .

  4. PLC在调味剂生产工艺中的应用

    The PLC apply to the process technology of food flavoring

  5. “Artificial”是自然的反义词,人为制造的调味剂-不是食物自身的味道或者食物的一种成分。

    " Artificial " is the opposite of natural , things that are made by humans to change the taste of something – not the real taste of the food or the ingredients that make the food .

  6. 比如Sodastream这种碳酸饮料机,用户可以通过二氧化碳储罐决定往水中加入多少碳化作用,此外他们还可以随心所欲地加各种调味剂。

    With sodastream , for example , users decide how much carbonation to add to their water through a carbon dioxide tank .

  7. 致胖成分(例如果葡糖浆-又称HCFS)其他未被充分研究(或根本未被研究)的物质,例如某些“调味剂”或“芳香剂”

    Obesogenic substances ( like high fructose corn syrup aka HCFS ) Other stuff that has not been well studied ( or studied at all ) like certain " flavors " or " fragrances "

  8. 现在想起来,这些都是生活中不可或缺的调味剂。

    Now think of it , these are indispensable life flavoring agent .

  9. 育肥猪饲用调味剂应用效果探讨

    Discussion about the Application Result of the Feed Flavor on Store Pigs

  10. 饲用调味剂稳定性的评价与研究

    Evaluation and Study on the stability of feed flavor

  11. 最畅销的食谱把它用作汤和冰沙的调味剂。

    Best-selling cookbooks are using it as an additive in soups and smoothies .

  12. 利用啤酒厂残渣提取饲料蛋白强化剂和食品营养调味剂的研究

    Study on recovering feed protein and nutritive flavouring from waste residue of beer farm

  13. 给烧烤食品添加厚厚的调味剂。

    Coat barbecue food with a thick sauce .

  14. 他们发现无糖糖果和饮料中有一种目前还无法确认其危害的酸性食品调味剂。

    They found there was an'unrecognised risk of acidic flavouring in sugar-free candies and beverages . '

  15. 颜色:深红色香味:浆果味,水果香味。(加调味剂的)苏打汽水

    Colour : Strong carmine Bouquet : Berry-like , fruity . fizzy drink made with flavoured soda-water

  16. 丰盛的沙拉可以放坚果和鳄梨,菠菜,莴苣,胡萝卜和轻微的调味剂;

    Hearty salad with nuts and spinach and avocados and lettuce and carrots and a light dressing ;

  17. 益处:肉豆寇是一种古老的调味剂,一般会压碎之后用于制作甜点。

    The good : Nutmeg is an ancient spice , usually grated and used for its sweet properties .

  18. 酒精粉,被作为一种调味剂,三年前美国就有销售。

    Alcohol powder , classified as a flavoring , was sold in the United States three years ago .

  19. 你也可以在食品调味剂和调色剂中找到这些东西,如糖果和巧克力。

    You can also find the oil in food flavorings and colorings , such as in candy and chocolate .

  20. 其他未被充分研究(或根本未被研究)的物质,例如某些调味剂或芳香剂

    Other stuff that has not been well studied ( or studied at all ) like certain flavors or fragrances

  21. 在食品工业上花椒作为调味剂使用,并被加工成各种深加工产品;

    Zanthoxylum is used as traditional condiments in food industry , and some deep - processed products are produced .

  22. 柠檬酸是制作各种水果系列及酸奶系列冰淇淋的上等调味剂,可以有效提高水果的新鲜度。

    T & G Lemon Sourness is to refine all the fruit ice cream and yogurt ice cream sorts .

  23. 你迷恋不止一个人,像是给生活添加了调味剂,但也同样能带来麻烦。

    You 'll be enamored with more than one person bringing spice to your life but also trouble you can probably do without .

  24. 杜鲁门.卡波尔曾经说过失败是成功的调味剂这个形容十分精确地描述了成功与失败的关系。

    Truman Capote once said , Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor . That couldn 't be any more accurate .

  25. 杜鲁门.卡波尔曾经说过“失败是成功的调味剂”这个形容十分精确地描述了成功与失败的关系。

    Truman Capote once said , " Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor . " That couldn 't be any more accurate .

  26. 但是要记得变换花样是生活的调味剂,你可能也渴望通过时不时粗野一点让亲吻更加激情火辣。

    Remember that variety is the spice of life , you may want to make kissing more exciting by playing a little rough now and then .

  27. 就好象烹饪时使用调味剂会给食物创造出不同的风味,一个人尝试经历不同的事会拥有美好的生活。

    Just as a cook uses different spices to create the flavors in a great meal , a person who tries different experiences will have a great life .

  28. 其他成分:玉米浆,天然蔗糖,凝胶,乳酸,纯天然调味剂,天然颜色,植物油。

    Other Ingredients : Corn Syrup , natural cane sugar , gelatin , citric and lactic acids , natural flavors and colors and polished lightly with vegetable oil .

  29. 据中粮屯河称,当地的地理和气候条件非常适宜采用低温和喷雾干燥技术来生产用作汤和饮料调味剂的番茄粉。

    The geography and weather are also ideal for employing low-temperature spray-drying technology that is used in developing tomato powder as a seasoning for soups and beverages , according to Tunhe .

  30. 综述了新型食品添加剂海藻糖的生产方法,海藻糖的特性及其作为甜味剂、保护剂、调味剂等在食品工业中的应用。

    The properties and production of trehalose , a kind of new food additive , is reviewed . It can be applied widely in food industry as sweetener , preservative , flavoring , etc.