
  1. 建筑内墙固体粉末涂料,现场用水调兑即可使用。

    Preparation of powder coatings and safety management of application ;

  2. 是一种鸡尾酒,用一份普利茅斯金酒和一份意大利苦艾酒配制而成。我刚才亲眼见到调酒师用上好品牌的金酒和苦艾酒调兑的。

    It 's a cocktail made by mixing one part of Plymouth Gin and one part of Italian vermouth . I saw the bartender fix it with the best brands of gin and vermouth .

  3. 戴利奥表示,为了双方的利益,中国需要调高人民币兑美元汇率。

    China needed to revalue its currency against the US dollar for the benefit of both countries , said Mr Dalio .

  4. 该推测是因中国银行出其不意地调高美元兑人民币中间价而引起的。

    The speculation was triggered after the People 's Bank of China set an unexpectedly high central parity in the dollar / renminbi rate .