
  1. 文中比较了纯标准样和工业产品间的极谱特性和核磁共振谱(NMR)的差异。工业样品有三个新峰产生,NMR图谱也不同。

    The differences in polarographic features and spectra of NMR between pure standard sample and industrial products , which produce three new waves , are compared .

  2. 那么我们新峰网将要听录音,将上面图片中代表各个活动的字母a-e写在这些频率副词旁的横线上。

    Then we will listen to the tape and write the letters from the picture above on the lines below .

  3. 只有通过这个程序,它才能有望再创新峰。

    Only through this process can it scale a new peak .

  4. 红外谱图中没有新峰出现,说明没有新的官能团产生,无水磷酸体系溶解纤维素没有衍生物形成。

    No new peak found in infrared spectra showed that no cellulose derivatives formed .

  5. 条带开采技术在新峰一矿的应用

    Strip mining technology performed by No. 1 Coal Mine of Xinfeng Coal Mining Bureau

  6. 法国所谓的“蜘蛛侠”阿兰·罗贝尔再登新峰,这次是500英尺高的阿里安公司大楼。

    And France 's so-called ' Spiderman ' scaled another tower , this time the 500-foot Araine .

  7. 面对机遇与挑战,允公律师团队将更加紧密团结、抢抓机遇、奋进不息,再创新峰。

    The team will unite closely , grasp the chance , struggle continuously and make greater success .

  8. 离子注入使粗糙度高度参数值普遍下降,间距参数值有时增大,有时减小,通过溅射作用有时使糙峰数减少,有时又产生新峰;

    It is found that ion implantation leads to reduction of the values of the amplitude parameters of the surface roughness remarkably .

  9. 根据灰色系统数列预测理论,建立了新峰一矿地表沉陷的灰色预测模型。

    Based on the sequence forecast theory of grey system , a forecast model is established for the ground subsidence caused by exploitation in No. 1 Coal Mine of Xinfeng Coal Mining Bureau .

  10. 在分析深圳市电价机制特点的基础上,提出了完善深圳市峰谷电价机制的具体做法,建立了具有优化电力资源配置能力的新峰谷电价机制。

    On the basis of analyzing tariff mechanism character in shenzhen , bring out the specific practice to better TOU tariff mechanism in Shenzhen and establish new tariff mechanism with the capacity of optimizing power resource distribution .