
  1. 新营糖厂内已遭夷为平地的房舍。

    The building has been torn down in Hsin-Ying Sugar Factory .

  2. 新营糖厂中兴车站待发中的营长牧场观光列车。

    Tourist train was standing-by at Chung-Hsing Station , Hsin-Ying .

  3. 新营糖厂一列原料车正通过台铁路基下的涵洞。

    A sugar train was going through the tunnel under the railway of TRA .

  4. 为提高香港航运业的竞争力,特区政府有必要改革航运政策机制,考虑兴建新码头,并引入新营运商。

    It concludes that Hong Kong 's economy and competitiveness in marine transportation would be greatly enhanced if the Hong Kong government reforms its relevant policy and takes into consideration building a new port with new operators .