
  • 网络Fourth-generation jet fighter
  1. 许多国家都在打造第四代战斗机。

    Lots of countries are engaged in building fourth-generation fighters .

  2. 从喷气战斗机的发展看第四代战斗机

    See the Fourth Generation Fighter from the Development of Jet Combat Aircraft

  3. 第四代战斗机推进系统循环参数优化研究

    Research on Optimization of cycle parameters for ATF propulsion

  4. 第四代战斗机武器火控系统总体技术分析

    The Overall Technical Analysis on the Fourth Generation Fighter 's Fire Control System

  5. 第四代战斗机飞行品质及其试飞技术研究

    Researches in the Some Flying Quality Criterions and Flight Test Techniques on Fourth Generation Fighters

  6. 因此它不能够为最新的第四代战斗机驾驶员实现训练需求。

    Therefore it cannot fulfil the training requirements for the pilots of the latest fourth-generation fighters .

  7. 为提高我国航空电子技术的水平,要充分研究国外先进技术,对第四代战斗机综合航电系统进行分析和预先研究。

    In order to improve our avionics ability , fourth generation fighter avionics system should be researched .

  8. 美国第四代战斗机的最初设计理念是要成为能打败任何竞争对手的强者。

    The original idea of their fourth-generation fighters is to have an aircraft capable of beating any other contender .

  9. 第四代战斗机的动力装置其基本特征是小体积、小推力、低成本和短寿命。

    The basic features of this kind of turbofan engines are low volume ; small thrust , low cost and short life .

  10. 分析了国外第四代战斗机武器火控系统在系统构型、火控新技术、火控新设备和作战效能四个方面的新特点及关键技术。

    The paper analyzes the fourth generation fighter 's weapon fire control system for the system configuration , new fire control technology and fight effectiveness .

  11. 本文首先简要回顾了战斗机的发展历程,着重分析了第四代战斗机的作战特点和技术特征,提出了超机动飞行控制问题,阐述了国内外最新的研究现状;

    With a brief review of the development history of fighter and detail discussion of main technique features of 4th generation fighter , this thesis brings forward the research topic of super-maneuver flight control and analyses the latest study status .

  12. J-20是中国的第四代喷气式战斗机,在2011年首飞。

    China 's fourth-generation fighter jet , the J-20 made its maiden flight in 2011 .