
  1. 你知不知道贫穷意味着什么?

    Do you have any idea what it means to be poor ?

  2. 你知不知道谣言是从哪儿传出来的?

    Have you any idea where the rumour started ?

  3. 臭婆娘,你知不知道这会恶名远扬?

    Do you realize , woman , the scandal and publicity that will be involved ?

  4. 但你知不知道有时他们会把自己的Baby坐死。

    But did you know they sit on their own babies and kill them sometimes ?

  5. 你知不知道在英国,pants指的是内裤?

    Did you know that in Britain " pants " means underwear ?

  6. 你知不知道你走后jessica走去哪了?

    Did you see which way Jessica went after your ordeal ?

  7. 文本信息:你知不知道很多的博客包括Mashable,支持通过文本信息分享文章?

    Texting : Did you know you that many blogs , including Mashable , support sharing an article via text message ?

  8. 你知不知道,我们是带原者?

    You know the best part ? We 're carrying diseases .

  9. 你知不知道最近的地铁站在哪儿?

    Do you know I can find the nearest subway station ?

  10. 你知不知道这年头还是有人为了这丢了小命的?

    You realize people still get shot for that down here ?

  11. 你知不知道你是有机会胜出的?

    Do you know that you had a possibility to win ?

  12. 你知不知道我现在比死更惨?

    Do you know this is worse than death for me ?

  13. 你知不知道你犯了弥天大罪?

    Do you know you 're made a real big mistake ?

  14. 你知不知道外面外围卖得好大?

    Do you know that big outside bets have been placed ?

  15. 你知不知道我回来两个星期了?

    Do you realize that I am home for two weeks ?

  16. 你知不知道,最远那颗星叫什么星?

    You know that one ? The furthest away form us ?

  17. 你知不知道是谁放的火?

    Have you any idea who might have started the fire ?

  18. 你知不知道你的老板对你不满意?

    Do you realize your boss is not happy with you ?

  19. 你知不知道,全力支持你是多累的一件事?

    Do you know , how hard to fully support you ?

  20. 你知不知道你跳舞的时候会发光!

    Do you know , you lighten up when you dance !

  21. 你知不知道“不要外泄”是什么意思?

    Do you have any idea what " non-disclosure " means ?

  22. 你知不知道你自己有问题。

    You know your problem ? Your problem is your mother .

  23. 你知不知道这花了一百多美金?

    Do you realize this costs more than a hundred dollars ?

  24. 你知不知道车辆区有重兵看守?

    Do you know If the vehicle compound Is heavily guarded ?

  25. 你知不知道小唐买了一架像机?

    Did you know that Xiao Tang has bought a camera ?

  26. 你知不知道那一家在南非差点被杀了?

    Are you aware that famiiy aimost got murdered in africa ?

  27. 什么…你知不知道自己在跟谁说话?

    What Do you know who you 're talking to here ?

  28. 嗯…你知不知道那里有兔子吗?

    did you know there were going to be rabbits there ?

  29. 你知不知道爸爸跟什么人有仇啊?

    Do you know if your dad has anyone he hates ?

  30. 在毕业舞会上,发饰万分重要,你知不知道?

    Do you know that hair accessories are mega-important for prom ?